Pokemon GO has only gained popularity within the past couple years. With the addition of Gen X and Gen Y Pokemon, the game has seen a resurgence of users working hard to fill their Pokedex and become a Pokemon master. Niantic has added several features to draw in users and reward players for their time. By completing missions/tasks within the game, you get extra pokeballs, berries, eggs, potions, and revives to help you within your journey.
But like many users, I always seem to be short on Pokeballs but have a surplus of potions and revives. As someone that focuses more on catching Pokemon than completing raids, I would like the option of swapping out my potions for Pokecoins so I can purchase more Pokeballs. So the thought came to me that what if Pokecoins became a cryptocurrency? Players can swap out their extra items and use the currency to buy whatever item they need. Only then will we really be living in a Pokemon world.