Hey guys,
I recorded and commented another Real Money head's up match that I've played on Pokerstars.
Few things to consider:
- I'm working on my English
- This is real money
Hope you like it!
Hey guys,
I recorded and commented another Real Money head's up match that I've played on Pokerstars.
Few things to consider:
Hope you like it!
Good tips!
Thank you for sharing, looking forward for more in the future :-)
i actually learned quite a bit just from you narrating why you folded your K 8 on the river to his all in. they are things that a person would understand no problem going into a game, but in the moment its very cool to see the deduction take place and make it so clear what the right move is. ty
also, can you explain the graph in the bottom left for me? im pretty ignorant with this stuff but find it to be lotsa fun
The graph is an equilibrium chart for push or fold game, I use it for 5.5bb and below: http://www.holdemresources.net/hune
About the K8 hand: I won't make advanced calculations here but I a very clear fold given the flop doesn't have a lot of draws, when he checks back turn he will usually have some showdown value that he will call on the river or some hand that he'll give up. When a total blank comes on the river and he jams over our bet he'll have it like 95% of time , either he hit the 2 with K2 Q2 72s or 22 or decided to slowplay a strong hand on the turn.
Thanks for your reply, hope I explained it a little bit better :)
you explained it great. and you reiterated the important part, you were able to use what you knew about how he plays to make an informed decision. "either he hit the 2 with K2 Q2 72s or 22 or decided to slowplay a strong hand on the turn." is what you can figure out from paying attention to how he plays, just very cool and helpful. ty
also thanks for the chart i appreciate it
be aware that it's based on only two options, either shoving or folding, that's why it becomes great only for 5.5bb or under
do you ever play video poker mate?
Hey, I'm not sure what do you mean, like VR or something?
like jacks or better, deuces wild...
Oh, got it.. no, just online games for now
Do you?
Yeah if you find the right pay tables and play correct strategy you have a serious edge, they have platforms online
hmm, I'll check it out for sure!
Thanks for the advice :)