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RE: New PokerStars Reward Program

in #poker8 years ago

I play mainly Spin and Gos , I m able to beat them by 100chips per game , it s more than playing push/fold , the player pool is very soft , thanks to the random pricepool it attracts more fish . What I think is much worst than Spins is the Beat the Clock shit , or 888 s Blast.


But that is the problem. Pokerstars does everything to get rid of the regulars and if possible only have fishes at the tables. It's like lotto. Anyone can win.

I don't care if you can beat a game or not. You don't learn poker from playing Spin & Goes. You only need a very basic strategy to play those games. All turbo and hyper turbo tournaments are much easier than deep stack tournaments or cash games. You can not compare them.

There is more strategy behind spins than you might think , of course most of the time you play HU , and for sure its different from a deep stack Mtts ... But i wouldn t say it doesn t need ski

Yes you need some skills, but much less. A good MTT player knows how to play Short Stacked, Short Handed and HU. If he is really good and played a lot of final tables. But he also needs so much more skills. Bubble situations, ICM situations, playing deep, using implied odds, much more floating in certain situations. Standard MTT players are much more complete poker players. You can adapt from an MTT or SNG to a Spin & Go. But never the other way around.

Spin & Go is a format for the fishes. Much more luck involved. All new pokerstars concepts are made specifically for the fish. Games in which the regulars can regularly destroy the fish are not desired. Therefore, the rake structure develops in exactly this direction.

Yeah i know , i played MTT when i was at university , but switched ti spins , because you can t combine Mtt with a 40 hour job , I just dont understand why everyone is hateing on spins ... Of course there is a lot of variance , but you can reach a higher hourly at spins rhan at mtt , 7% Roi is easy to archieve and you can play alot of games daily ... For sure i would prefer to play MTt , its more fun

I know. I have played 7-8 hour tournaments on stars. Thats not allways fun. Ok running deep is fun, going to bed when other people waking up, not really.

But you can also play zoom. Many hands in a very short time. More regulars, less fishes. And you have to play with computer support. Holdem Manager or Pocker Tracker, otherwise you dont have a chance in the long run.

Yeah i tryed 4 tabling 6max zoom but it gets boring very fast for me , pt4 or Hm2 you need for almost any gametype if you want to take it serious. Have you tryed the onDemand Sngs that are caped to 180players ? I think that could be a solution for me when I stop with spins ... But well goal is to leave stars anyway and i don t think there is a other site that offers that.

No. I am not playing any more. I do not know much about the current situation, new game types and the actual player pool on stars.

I have stopped at the end of 2015. The situation did not please me back then. I only know that it should be even worse now.