
Cool thing is that there is a HUGE overlay in the tournament I just played.

Right now only 22 players entered the tournament. Leaving the Gtd way above the aggregate of the buyins. Only €11 euro out of €15 have been accounted for. Leaving the site to pay for the rest. :)

Nevermind that. People showed up just before late registration ended. No overlay here :(( The positive side of this, is that the main tournaments likely also will get more entrants than anticipated then. Leaving us with bigger prizes to be won, than the guaranteed claims :)! Mind the word "likely" :)

Second tournament busted. Std allin with J8s and getting called by pockets fours and pocket aces :) Aaaaand I am out :P

Third entry - Bust.

Another one bust. :D

Yet another one. - This time however I got to be chipleader for a few minutes :P

+1 more.. :)

So 6 out of 15 tournaments are done.

7 out of 15 - still no tickets :(

8 out of 15

9 out of 15 - things not going my way for sure : /

10 out of 15

One €10 euro ticket in da house :D

4 tournaments left for today.