Can't tell you how many times I've lost with Aces or KK under the gun. I would almost rather have suited big slick. You gotta play to the table a little bit. Sometimes you get a tight table where a minimum bet under the gun makes everyone fold. That's fine, take the Ante's. I'd rather be at a loose table with a couple guys trying to buy the pot every time. In that situation I DO check the Aces and wait on one of them to bet, and even better the other one to call. Then I shove, and chances are either they both fold or I'm heads up with the better hand preflop and no second guessing myself because of a reraise. I'll take heads up with Aces preflop every time, and accept the bad beat if it comes.
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Yea getting heads-up is ideal with pocket aces. Its hard to accomplish heads-up under the gun. Thanks for your thoughts and the upvote.
It depends on how you play. I tend to make most of my money on check raises, especially with players that aren't familiar with my style. Fold fold fold, maybe show a strong hand that would have been a small winner, shake my head and dwell on how I should have called...Then when I start the check raises, they say "Jesus, this guy plays tight, he must have the nuts". Sometimes I'll check raise with 7-2 offsuit, if I'm confident they'll fold and I feel like someone might call me next time. Show them the bluff, then make sure I actually have the nuts next time I raise. Now if I'm playing other regulars or a pro shows up, I'll try to get them on tilt with a few bluff shows, see if I can get them to overvalue hands and start throwing money around. It's all relative. No two tables are the same, no two players are the same, and no one strategy is "foolproof" every time.