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RE: Poker Tip Man Armen-"Under The Gun" with Pocket Rockets

in #poker8 years ago (edited)

I do not think this particular post was taken from a book, I downvoted it because of its terrible, ridiculously bad poker advice. I challenge you to find a single successful poker player who would tell you otherwise.

The previous two articles (the one about tells and the one about the rule of 2 and 4) were most likely taken from super system and Phil Gordon's book. I don't have either of those books handy, so I'm not sure if it was word for word or paraphrased. But regardless of the extent to which they were copied, i felt both posts were overvalued and I voted my conscience.

If you want to follow me and downvote me that's certainly your right. I can only speak and vote my conscience. I feel i expressed my reasons for the downvote as clearly and respectfully as possible. I could have simply downvoted and said nothing, but i didn't feel that was fair to the poster.

Except in obvious situations (like spam or identity theft) I rarely use my downvote this way. But in this situation, as an expert in the field, I felt like this was a clear downvote to me. Im sorry you don't agree.