Great puzzle! And it will take a hell of a lot of luck to get the answer right! LOL.
Still - here's a shot at it. If I get close to winning, then I'll explain my logic:
You had an Ace, King.
He had a pair of 9's.
Great puzzle! And it will take a hell of a lot of luck to get the answer right! LOL.
Still - here's a shot at it. If I get close to winning, then I'll explain my logic:
You had an Ace, King.
He had a pair of 9's.
You're sort of close. Try again! See the hints in comments.
2nd Guess for Villain:
I know he has a king
and something else- i'm going to say 2
Villain has no K or 2.
Whew! well that put me through the ringer!
I don't think I deserve any rewards, as it's taking aLOT of guesses! LOL.
this is it, confidently:
4 6
You are correct sir, congrats! :)
Very interesting hand and I'm lucky my read was correct.
Yes - very interesting hand - and you played it strong. I you are more gutsy than I! Well, thanks for the puzzle challenge! And the unexpected reward (after so many guesses!).
wow, ok! if i'm reading your rules correctly - I can guess a 3rd time?
Guess all you want at this point. :)
Jack 7
villain 10 4
got to be it! ;)
You have one card right. :)
Alright then!
The 4, I think, is correct.
So second card must be a Queen!
The 4 is correct, the Q is not.
Someone's guess of 73 was very close.
5 4
final answer!
5 4, final answer!
oh no, so close, don't give up yet. :)
one more guess should do it.
4 Jack
or 4 8!
It's not a J or an 8, but very close to a 7. ;)