Polarity Integration between Light and Dark

Dear souls who are brave enough to come to experience this great transformation of planet earth, a milestone, as the third grand experiment of the game of our universe 'polarity integration between light and darkness', as one of the second-wave keyholders to the 5D new earth I'd like to explain what the key to ascension is:

It is the consciousness that can integrate light and darkness with 'unconditional love'. Light and darkness are just two faces of the same coin, inseparable and inter-convertible. The better you're able to integrate the two the higher vibratory level or energy level you're able to achieve. When your energy level reaches 7D equivalent you'll be able to experience 5D new earth realities.

It is the consciousness that realizes all experiences any soul could ever experience are neutral in nature, are all created by Source with love and light to serve for the evolution of souls, so there is no right or wrong, good or bad. Therefore, no one needs to be forgiven, no one needs to be punished, any kind of punishment is self-punishment. You could say 'karma' exist or doesn't, it's all self-made. Your very existence means you're blessed and loved, it doesn't matter what you choose to experience.

Then you'll be able to drop any kind of belief systems that tell you what you should do, what you shouldn't do, what are 'compassionate' 'right' 'good' things to do, what are 'evil' 'wrong' 'bad' things to do. The word 'should' not be in your vocabulary. So that you're totally free to be aligned with your true-self at any moment in time, and experience what your soul wishes to experience, no matter whether it is helping others, or destruction, you could go and experience with joy and blessing, without any guilt or whatsoever.

At the same time you're able to allow anyone else to be their true-selves, ALLOW them to experience whatever are needed to discover their true-selves, without any desire to control, change, manipulate, without any judgement or prejudice, no matter whether they wish to go experiencing helping others or destruction. The ultimate 'unconditional love' is just to ALLOW.

It is the consciousness that one should take full responsibility for whatever one experiences in one's own reality, no matter how the ego dislikes it. Then you'll never see yourself as victim and complain about or blame anyone else or the environment for whatever 'dark' experiences you have. Everyone else is your own projection, other souls are just playing their respective roles to help you experience whatever you need to experience, so instead of complaining or condemning anyone, you could choose to be grateful for those who have played a part in your reality. If you dislike your experience, you could discover which part of your inner-self/heart attracted such experience after in-depth self-examination.

'Surrender', allow natural order of things to flow. You could say it's a 'egoless' state of consciousness or rather, high degree of alignment and integration between ego and higher-selves, high degree of soul syncing.

When you're highly aligned with your true-self you'll be full of passion, energy and joy running from the deepest of your heart, this is when you're shining with the strongest light, again it doesn't matter what you do. This is true sense of 'enlightenment', which is not a terminal goal, but something you can achieve at any 'NOW' moment in time. There are different degrees of enlightenment but 'full enlightenment' is not something that can be defined. Everything exists here and now, time and space are all illusions, there is no beginning, no end, no edge or boundary, no concept of 'full' or 'complete'.

In order to discover your true-self and reach high degree of alignment, substantial amount of time needs to be dedicated for meditation, especially in this heavy vibratory environment on earth, otherwise natural and smooth connection with higher-self will be very difficult.

Key points to remember here:
*Your True Energetic Self is participating in multiple versions of reality all at once, even though your ego cannot perceive that.
*You are a holographic being, so what happens to one aspect of you happens to all the other aspects of you as well.

How do we integrate an issue?
You can integrate an issue by asking yourself: Why did I create it? How does it serve me? What am I learning from this? Does it still serve me (or not)?

  • You’re the actor, director, producer and scriptwriter in your own play.
  • You may be repeating the same pattern over and over. But when you come to realize why you co-created the situation and how it served you to integrate an issue, then the information on how you did that can be shared with other aspects of you in other lifetimes.

Polarity integration is the ability to see both light and dark as part of Source energy.

The goal is to learn to have compassion for yourself and others, and to release fear, anger, guilt, blame, shame and judgment of the dualities.

We are here to shift our perception from being a victim or a perpetrator to a co-creator of our own reality.

The dark/shadow aspect has value, because it represents the challenges, lessons and experiences we need to grow through to achieve balance within ourselves.

Infinite love to you all! 💚
@invinciblelight 💫


Nice post with 💯% upvoted.

Nice buddy,upped :)

Thank you!

Welcome buddy :)

Sounds easier than it is.

Yep, polarity integration and raising yourself above duality is not at all easy. It takes shift in your perception, persistence, strong determination, self-discipline, compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, and years of meditation, introspection to completely achieve that.

Have you read the book The Yoga of Max's Discontent? I learned quite a lot through that book.

No. I haven't read that book. Thank you. I will read it if I find it somwhere. 🙂

Interesting post, mate. You made me reconsider some thing I've believed.

Thank you!! You are putting things in words so clearly. I can feel the energy and change in me, can nearly touch it and then loose it in my daily life. Until I have a moment of quiet again by myself at the end and start of the day. Do you have any ideas for tools I could use throughout the day to integrate the consciousness in my daily life better?

You're welcome, @cryptomam! Daily introspection and meditation should be on your routine list. I myself follow certain guidelines to keep my vibrational frequency high. Yep, you can read my previous posts here amd my sister's posts,too @starangel, buy some clear quartz crystals, amethyst, and if you want to boost your spirituality then Moldavite is the best crystal for you. Although, I never used any such crystals myself as I don't have sufficient money. But in future I will ourache when I'll become financially independent.

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I can tell the energy is flowing :)
absolutly amazing article!

Thank you @mammasitta! You should check out my sister's post, too. >> @starangel

I like it, very zen. Followed, keep it coming.

Curious how you foresee the disparity playing out between

So that you're totally free to be aligned with your true-self at any moment in time, and experience what your soul wishes to experience, no matter whether it is helping others, or destruction...


at the same time you'll allow anyone else...

If YOUR desires are for destruction and harm of others, how would that simultaneously allow others the freedom to live free from the influence of your destructive actions towards them?

(I have an idea of the answer, though curious as to your outlook on this)

When we see things with higher perspective, above all dualities, through the eyes of soul or Source. You can't judge things on two polarity/extremes opposite to each other. You just see them as they are without any judgements. After all everything is same energy but in different forms, expressing itself diffently/uniquely, it's polarity game we are playing here. 🙂

Even the darkness ultimately serves the divine plan of the Source.

A hero can not exist without a villain, positivity cannot exist without a negetivity, but all extremes co-exist together to give meaning and existence to one another.

To integrate both extremes is to get yourself into the point of zero-point, where balance/harmony/neutrality exist so to complete the divine trinity.

This Universe is all about balance/harmony.

I highly suggest you to read my old post where you will get the idea about how the worst evil leaders served humanity. https://steemit.com/mind-bending/@invinciblelight/seeing-world-s-worst-leaders-with-mind-bending-perspective-2017810t11422597z

I get that, though it still doesn't answer the question.

If one person wants to exercise their free will to an extreme of destructiveness and hurt others, they're infringing upon the right of others to experience their own well-being. i.e. If you want to go on a murderous machine gun rampage and gun down your classmates, you've overridden their choice to experience health and wholeness without bullet holes in their limbs.

Thus, the conflict - which you seem to have sidestepped with your spiritual-dogmatic answer...

Nope. Going against the free will of another is not right at all. We all respect and follow the low of 'free-will', although there are some entities who go against "free-will" of another and hence they got stuck in their own created matrix and do not make any progress spiritully. If you read that post which I suggested, you might have got the idea about how we select our contrats based on lessons soul wants to learn through variety of experiences in its uniwye expression of vibrstions. Many souls do agree to take part in victim role, either to have that experience or to clear karmic baggag of their other lifetimes.

Going against the free will of another is not right at all.

Exactly. That's what I'm saying.

Though apart from a violator getting stuck in their own matrix - you're saying that absolutely EVERYONE who gets violated selects their contracts in advance to get violated?

NOT EVERYONE, exceptions are always there. Yes, majority of soulls do agree to play victom role, but no one of them go against the free will of another. But there are few entities with ultra-hyper-advanced technologies with some hyper loop implants, and holographic reality simulation supercomputer running behind the scenes, that creates a very powerful cloning effect of the holographic Universe, and so, they violets or go against the free will through deception they create.

there are few entities with ultra-hyper-advanced technologies with some hyper loop implants, and holographic reality simulation supercomputer running behind the scenes, that creates a very powerful cloning effect of the holographic Universe...

This sounds rather interesting. Would you recommend any particularly good sources to learn more about this?

EVERYTHING in life is about balance! - A beautiful post as always! xxx

i just wanted to thank you for your post gr8 job bringing forth this knowledge.

You're welcome, @worldbridge! ☺

Nice post.Thanks for sharing.you have my vote.

Great sharing as usual. Keep up the good work. upvoted!