The Sun continues it's trek North. When will people see that this is not going to stop, or understand that we are in new territory here.
With the recent reports that the Midwest to East will be seasonally cooler, and the West to be seasonally hotter, what are the implications? Spring storms all summer? Tornadoes all summer? Warmer weather in the fall?
Folks this is all new territory and we get to witness this! I have been preparing for this my entire life and now it comes! I am excited! I know sounds strange, but think about this, we will be the only generations to see this for possibly hundreds of thousands of years! Or until God decides to do it again, in either direction, I think we get to see some things that will be in the next book!
I've noticed this experientially. Without logging any data or tracking the sun. It would be interesting to see this graphed out comparing the shifts, new and old over time. btw...
If you hadn't noticed I nominated you for a photo challenge, just FYI if you're interested.
Did it! been so busy lately... Ill do my best!