Yes ma'am, the leads have metal barbs about a 1/4" long on them like a fish hook so that when they penetrate the skin or clothing they won't fall out easily. So obviously when we or they pull them out, there's usually blood. The probes don't have to penetrate skin to be effective either. For instance, if one was wearing a thick winter coat, the probes will arc to the skin and through the body to the other probe causing burns from the arc.
When I was tazed for qualification, I had the choice to be shot in the back or have alligator clips attached, one lead on the top of the shoulder and the other hooked to the opposite side on my belt loop. At the time I didn't know any better and opted for the clips instead of being shot. Little did I know that I chose the worst method.
The worst place to be shot is in the back because that's where the biggest muscle groups are at. The bigger you are, the more it affects you because the muscles contract 19 times per second. With being shot, the spread of the two leads aren't that far apart and the muscles being affected are the ones only between those barbs. You don't feel the impact or the barbs going in, the shock easily takes your mind off of that. When utilizing the clips, there's a much larger span being shocked PLUS since the barbs aren't in you, the electricity arcs through your clothing causing burns. So getting shot is much better than having the clips attached. Now ya know...😘
Yes ma'am, the leads have metal barbs about a 1/4" long on them like a fish hook so that when they penetrate the skin or clothing they won't fall out easily. So obviously when we or they pull them out, there's usually blood. The probes don't have to penetrate skin to be effective either. For instance, if one was wearing a thick winter coat, the probes will arc to the skin and through the body to the other probe causing burns from the arc.
When I was tazed for qualification, I had the choice to be shot in the back or have alligator clips attached, one lead on the top of the shoulder and the other hooked to the opposite side on my belt loop. At the time I didn't know any better and opted for the clips instead of being shot. Little did I know that I chose the worst method.
The worst place to be shot is in the back because that's where the biggest muscle groups are at. The bigger you are, the more it affects you because the muscles contract 19 times per second. With being shot, the spread of the two leads aren't that far apart and the muscles being affected are the ones only between those barbs. You don't feel the impact or the barbs going in, the shock easily takes your mind off of that. When utilizing the clips, there's a much larger span being shocked PLUS since the barbs aren't in you, the electricity arcs through your clothing causing burns. So getting shot is much better than having the clips attached. Now ya know...😘