Police Arrest Drug Addicts in Meureudu

in #police7 years ago

The Intelligence Unit of the Intelligence Unit of the Police Chief Meureudu Pidie Jaya brushed a young man suspected of consuming Drugs at Beracan Irrigation Edge Center, Friday, 23 March 2018 at 13.30 WIB.

Pidie Police Chief AKBK Andi Setiawan Siregar SIK through Kapolsek Meureudu AKP Aditia Kusuma SIK said,
The arrest began with community information, then the police rushed to the field to check.

Up to the location of the Opsnal Team found the suspect MD, 26, was engrossed in inhaling drug-type marijuana. The police immediately secured the suspect along with the evidence, a dry cannabis envelope, white paper for rolling, handpone and motorcycle used by the offender.

"Now the suspects and evidence have been secured at Meureudu Police for further investigation," said Kapolsek ■