"During the debate over the militarization of local police departments within the US, one outstanding argument against supplying military armament to police was based on the nature of people to use the weapons and equipment supplied to them, even when such tools are not necessary. Thus we have situations in the US where local police use MRAP, or Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, and military assault tactics to deliver such things as warrants for traffic and parking violations. The result of providing police with military-grade weapons is that police will look for the opportunity to use and justify possession of that military equipment. This argument is identical to warnings given years ago when the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) began to deploy airport security tactics that included inappropriate touching and searching of travelers. It was just a matter of time until inspectors with that kind of authority would abuse such authority on a growing scale, ad this is exactly what happened."
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Police protect the citizens, soldiers kill enemies of the state, when you mix the two the people become the enemies of the state and lack protection.
Police claim to "serve and protect," but mainly they enforce bad laws.