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RE: Kentucky Cop James Buck Kills Unarmed Man, Execution Style! (Detailed Report)

in #police7 years ago

Hi Gavin
I just bounced here from YouTube. (Walkinaxyl)
Since Poppy Bush, they have been placing criminals in LE and judicial positions. They intend to bring this country down by complete and total corruption. People have to know that all cops are not bad. There are criminals working in law enforcement, city, state government and in the judicial system.
We need to get the UN out of the US. Agenda 21, 2030 and their ultimate goal agenda 2050 are rolling full steam ahead. I believe Florida was planned way in advance. That would have been Hillary's executive order to ban all weapons.
I am seriously looking at moving to San Felipe, Baja.
The dictators here in Commiefornia are out of control.
I do honestly think you need a better approach to calling the police departments. It may be better to contact the local DA and put pressure on them. Getting copies of the video to surrounding communities.
If that POS officer is not arrested for murder we have a serious problem. Where the hell are the BLM people. Cop kills a white guy no big deal? If he were black they would be trashing that town.
George Soros and Obama did a great job of dividing us!