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RE: Epic Police Hypocrisy in Lawsuit Against Starbucks

in #police7 years ago

If you think you have it bad in America, you should come to Canada. We do not even have the right to freedom of speech in a lot of cases.


If we did in America, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange wouldn't have had to run for their lives. And there's a bunch more examples. "If the government feels threatened, they WILL attack you." ~ Susan Lindhauer She experienced it even though she did everything right going through all proper channels to report a peace deal from Saddam and also about 9/11. The government suppressed it. The FBI came and got her and she disappeared for a year.

for reference

Not to diminish anything you said, just talking, hope you don't mind. Here's a good one. The US Gov has actually lost count of how many criminals laws they've passed. Beware the short lobster!

90 second video