Wow. Up down and crazy today

in #police5 years ago






Well now. As I've been homeless and even when before that I was working doing repos...

I've been harassed over and over. Pulled over while working multiple times a night. Actually it was so bad it would affect my job.

A while ago it came to a head with the harassment and threats. I talked with the duty sergeant and so far the harassment has ended.

Until today.

Had this idiot officer come into my van physically. Yes my door was open. However that's still not the point. No announcement or anything.

Dog had to be restrained as he was trying to protect me...

Being ordered to produce identification when I didn't do any crime and am on the phone with my elders? And to exit the vehicle? With a guy with his hand on his gun....

Well. Ok. Hang on. Since you are lieing to me, my tags are not expired I know that as I just renewed them. $145 yearly. Thank you the motorcycle also is current and... Has insurance.

More officers. More threats and preattack indicators. Hang on let's de escalation this.

Yep time to play fuckity games....

911 what's your emergency? I've got multiple officers refusing to send a supervisor and threatening me with assault and arrest...

Suddenly the entire group leaves my area. Boom. Oh what's that? The threat has vanished? The egos vanish?

One officer comes over and we negotiate. I demand the supervisor and duty sergeant. Commending officer? Lol I get a customer service professional. And I get informed yes the supervisor is on his way....


He shows up. At first he is supporting his boys. Until the facts of the previous harassment and deal with the last duty sergeant are told. Now shit gets serious. I get the complaint form. I've got the previous one....

Lawyer time. This is beyond dumb.

Officer pretty much trespasses into my vehicle. I'm sure he saw the huge bowie knife....

The growls barking of my German Shepherd service dog? Oh yeah you stepped into a pile today... Then the gunfighter.... Yeah hand on your gun....

Well time for this to be taken out of my hands. If they can't follow the law? Well I have time to pick my battles.

Let's just say the officer got quite the lecture. And when allowed to leave the scene? Again threatening staredown. And I just smiled. Picked on the wrong person and are gonna catch all sorts of issues. This one is going to stink. And bet he isn't going to wash this situation off...

Days like this and I'm so glad I've got cannabis. The stress wasn't good. And refusing to leave the vehicle was excellent cause I just enjoyed a dab while I waited an actual authority.

Catching this officer in a potential felony? Not only a possibility of the burglary as well as felony harassment....

Some serious issues were presented today. The sergeant was far from happy with his guys. Especially when he realized the extent of the issues.

But I will not be ordered around by an idiot with a badge and ego. He will catch a case over this.

Let alone his entire audio was captured .... Opportunity is here. Time to call a lawyer.

And time to get video surveillance system. This is an issue I need to address. If I knew more... Time to learn.


You did a great job by calling 911 on them. Thank you for this great idea! And yeah, cannabis helps because it's a part of nature. Nature provides.

Well when we have out of control officers...

And funny how the officers backed up quick.

Yeah, once they see someone standing up for themselves, they shit in their pants.

And run like roaches...

I hope you're okay man. Take care

Thanks. This will increase to grow for them to learn from...