How To Get Arrested For Doing Absolutely NOTHING WRONG!

in #police7 years ago

Put power in the hands of a fool and what can you expect? They will misuse and abuse it every single time. Exerting immorality upon others because those "in power" have a monopoly on force, tells us everything we need to know about the character of a person who can inflict such hardship on their fellow humans.

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Powerful. Enjoyed your vid, crazy cops

Bad cops...He did nothing wrong...

I like all of your content Brian, but these videos I like most. Exposing those power drunk, evil criminals hiding behind a name even! Good show bro! I make sure to reach out to the stations they operate out of to profess my thoughts concerning the incidents in question. This is a great public service your doing Brian. We the people can apply pressure & demand accountability.

It's too bad that the good cops have to be a part of it but it's true that many power hungry people are attracted to becoming a cop and using there power over others.

You are the best brian, so glad to see your posts on steemit

This crap enrages me!

That bald-headed asshole is a trained Expert? I'd hate to see how the ones that aren't experts behave. Maybe they just go ahead and shoot you.

Until the majority of the people come together, this BS will continue to get worse. It goes from the highest levels of governments, to the lowest.

Years ago some of my friends were at a state camp site in my home state, minding their own business around a campfire, but they did have alcohol (of age). They were threatened with DEATH by the local redneck sheriff, arrested, and had to pay a lot of money. Another group was at the same place, and the same exact thing happened, of the girls involved had an uncle that was a high-ranking politician in D.C. One phone call, and a short time later ALL WERE RELEASED WITH NO CHARGES BEING FILED.

The jerk sheriff was gun-downed in an ambush attack some years later. I don't believe the case was ever solved.

Karma can be a BITCH! Unless you do unto others.... ;-)

Thanks for your post. I don't usually post profanity, but sometimes those seem to be the only words that apply.

P.S. You have a new follower.

Its only going to get worse as we give up more rights for security

I am absolutely horrified by these sorts of stories. How can this go on without the officers being made accountable?

The bigger problem is that everywhere with hierarchy has been infiltrated in the same way. From police, to corporations, to government. The rotten apples get in and work their way up. Then as they begin to own the higher levels, the good cops/workers leave in disgust, which unfortunately leads to few good workers and many corrupt ones (covering each others bad work).

Police must be made accountable to the public once more. We need to get back to the days of police being highly regarded peace keepers, respected by the community, preferably on foot patrol once more.
Your action of pointing out to one officer his contempt of the very rules he was enforcing is commendable and more should do it, but look at the response from the officer.... No regard at all, and an annoyance at even being spoken too. Pitiful.

I just recently had a situation that landed me In court- over a 3 day expired license. Officer intentionally wrote the ticket incorrectly and almost got me In huge trouble- I’m making a blog post about it soon

It’s not about good cops or bad cops- it’s good people and bad people.

Some of those who decide to be cops- do it for the power and the ability to intimidate. Other do it because they wish to keep people safe and advocate for the people. This goes for most professions—-

Look at doctors. Some of them love helping people and saving lives. Other find pleasure in being able to tell all the women the meet that they are a doctor—-not that I wouldn’t lol - IM A NURSE BTW—

I don’t have the ability to send people to jail but I do have people’s quality of life in my hand. I choose to be the best version of myself whenever I can— because I chose a profession that demands good hearted people who put other ahead of themselves once in a while...I’m not much different than the cop - hopefully the one who wants to help people.

Right and thanks for that. Other problem is USA'a cops want to pervert medical care in order to compel their agenda of mayhem rape and murder and replace justice with a pill. 1984 is here.... when they get in trouble they go running for the shelter of that mother's little helper...

I wouldn’t go so far to throw a blanket over all cops but there are certainly some that abuse power. Fortunately, there are some decent ones too.

If you’ve never seen this video- check it out

This cop has a heart and decides to use it...

None of that helps me or others and overall the problems move out of localities they originate in or at. And then the global factors used with media and other forms of Godplay and fraud would worsen that overall.

Anyone can kiss a baby one moment and kill it the next.

They supported that as done to me. So..... this is one of many tactics to hogwash reputations.

Much of that is a waste of time and many times a media lie or hoax as well. Akin to the other lies like 09/11 and the rest. Mongering on reputation.

Same problem reall, look at Albany NY tax for me. I am Stateless and they want to steal more money from me. Murder is the problem. They lie and steal to seem right and involve new people each year.... who suffers harm?

I can prosecute anyone who does this. Personally... Cops have same problem.

Do traffic stop to blame me knowing they did murder and can not witness. Done to seem right. Obstruct and extort. Duress.

Until the body is made clean the body remains dirty. Be in the body then be dirty. Either make it clean or leave. You can't do both. Stay and go or be right and wrong.



An attitude of hatred against of an entire group because of the actions of few isn’t just...and does not create peace in this world.

We can complain about how terrible the world is and how people are horrible and how
Cops are killers —-

Or we can do our own do diligence and try to spread kindness, respect, equality, tolerance, etc

Your point is irrelevant and overall this is not hate of a group of people who ruined the nation. This is logic. And law. ALL of my interactions with US law has them do what? Conspire.... now what?

There goes the baby....

Prove he is not complicit in these crimes done to me personally....

Body is at fault he joined the body.

Their paradox their problem. You won't fix it for them this way either. BTW.

You will regret this accusation now:

"An attitude of hatred against of an entire group because of the actions of few isn’t just...and does not create peace in this world."

Since it is specious and wrong...

It wasn’t an accusation it was a statement- and it wasn’t wrong.

The minority doesn’t represent the majority.

And not everyone who joins a group- takes part in the negative actions of that group.

I don’t know anything about you or your life so I’m not gonna judge or assume to understand your position but I will be open minded and hope that you will too.
That’s all for tonight.

You offer only slurs really and avoid the substance actually of the problems.

A logical and legal problem called Nullification. etc.

So here you go, adopted is even worse. Consider my parents and their Police friends who do sex trafficking and torture of children.

Point is they do murder to get away with murder or for harming a child. You and they bargain with the dead. Waste of time.

I didn’t slander you- and I apologize if you feel like I did. I thought we were having a conversation but you got really heated and aggressive. I’m choosing to be done because I don’t wanna anger you- or offend you. That isn’t my goal.
Sometimes people don’t agree and that’s okay- to me

There is no doubt that, objectively, this guy did a good thing by saving that woman's baby. My contention is that being a cop is no different than being a gangster in the mafia. Sure, mafia members have the capacity to do good things, but this doesn't wipe away the evil they do the rest of the time. Cops swear to enFORCE all laws, even the unjust ones. Therefore, when they throw someone in prison (taking away their freedoms) for the possession of a plant, for example, they are doing that which is evil. And no amount of good can wipe away that continual evil. Your thoughts?

So you think we should have no cops?

Great video. It's unbelievable, that cop from Cobb County is supposed to be their 'top cop', and he's already been proven to have kidnapped multiple innocent individuals. Sadly, that is the reality in most counties, the same sick, twisted revenue generation racket depicted in the video. Another awesome crime buster @highimpactflix

Some one really needs to invent a device like a breathalyzer that would tell a cop on the spot whether or not they have been smoking.

Unfortunately there are so many of these F*cks in all of our police departments these days... for if you think about it, and the stuff you talk about all the time, they WANT to become a police officer.. its in their subconscious desire to control.

UNREAL these videos you presented. Blood boiling.

This so seriously annoying ,
The first lady that drove in the lane was tested negative ( marijuana & alcohol ) right?
And she got still arrested .
Dammmmnnnnnn cops tho 😐

Valuable post. This is so serious. Sometimes police abused their power. This is pathetic @highimpactflix I followed you Sir

Point is you pay for it and it can allow other crimes to go unpunished. It destroys State.

I recently saw the documentary of the riots more than 25 years ago that ended with half the city of Los Angeles burned because of these abuses, and now watching your post I realize that it does not end, it is getting worse

Using power sometimes makes people crazy.

where there is power, there is misuse

I don't know why cops behave crazy. Why don't they use there mind to treat citizen with respect? and by putting everyone in prison is not the solution.

More reason to "decentralize" power!

@highimpactflix Wow, scary how this can happen anytime. It seems that they take advantage of one whom won't fight back. Sickening

US police scare the hell out of me.

Oh that's sad...Forgive those cops...They don't know what they're doing...

This reminds me of my first experience getting pulled over by a state trooper when I was under 21 and did nothing wrong. I was pulled over while going uphill in the right lane, at the speed limit or slower. The cop seemed to insinuate that he was going to find something in my car that was loaded with my things going to college. Being young and uninformed, I let him search my vehicle and he found nothing he might have been looking for. He wrote me two tickets that were bogus. Had I been older, I'm sure he would have wanted to arrest me in a strange county I've never stopped in before. I had to write a judge in the county pleading my case, and I never heard about the BS tickets again. My question is this: what can be done about these abuses of power, this monopoly on force?

Good idea and it is truth, when fools get powers they can damage any one who will in front of him. so he never can justice so that nations will suffer a great loss. Good informative post

I was beat up by a dozen cops for walking to my house at the wrong time. charged with assault on a cop and resisting. luckily all my charges were dropped

Big power big responsblity ..

I think you are absolutely right with your point of view. Thanks for sharing this.

I have some observations and analysis on my site, maybe others might not trust me enough to visit there, so I can post and share it here also. It may be of use.

Observations and analysis of...? Feel free to post anything that you think would be relevant and would help others on here.

I have interventions on 5 homicides done to me, many look to be done by State and this is about child harms to me. I am posting now.... thanks.

These people (US Cops) are playing God....

It also gets into this problem as another debater points out:

Hey Steemit Libertarians, I debated the death penalty with a conservative...

I'd not denigrate the nature or reputation of a dog by comparison to these fools.

A dog is a noble animal in compare to these murdering pedophiles.

10 Like an archer who wounds everyone, So is he who hires a fool or who hires those who pass by.

11 Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly

@highimpactflix This is the problem in the USA overall. I am adding a photo hope you don't mind?

It adds a point:


Point is if you will harm a child this way then you'd harm an adult as well.

Overall there is no difference when you use a gun or violence and many people of like mind to do the crimes to them.

Often in USA Police will arrest victims or worse. These Police acted to euthanize (murder) me more than once. Going so far as to use my parents and later a wife to do that.

A note about and/or to US law:

Five Steps To Failure In America:

  1. Make the decision that all that you do and whatever you do is completely up to you. Even and especially when it involves harm to others. As in you are too important to be accountable for your acts.

  2. Make the mistake of justifying that on the vanity of the victims you harm and offer it as being punitive.

  3. Be arrogant and rude to prove to all others that you are ok with doing all you do and that this proves you are in charge. All authority figures like you need to prove they are insecure and with that being rude and abusive makes you the boss.

  4. When someone asks you to explain the events be sure to blame others including the victim(s), call it an act of God, an accident, justify it as being justice, then pretend it never happened. Not necessarily in that order, all of which will matter.

  5. Change your name(s) repeatedly and hide in plain sight since everything is going perfectly well since you decided it is all ok. This is called keeping up appearances.

  6. Involve others in your crimes so you can hope to blame them or use them to support you as being right. Safety in numbers don't you know?

  7. Let the whole mess fester for decades and hope that it will all be forgotten as you dilute and pollute the vanity of the situation. Manipulate public opinion to play upon prejudice and base stereotypes used to blame the victim(s).


a very good post, giving a counsel

He didn't wrong with anything....

I love that you're on here!

I always forget and somehow ya never pop up in my feed at the right time.

I tend to watch most of your videos on Youtube via my Roku TV. It doesn't work well for much of anything but likes. And likes aren't worth a whole lot. 😏

I haven't watched this one yet, but will come back with an update... ya know, if I feel so moved. 😉

I generally enjoy your content. And without watching this I could probably guess where you are going. 😎

Also, thanks for writing WORDS with your video on here. So many just drop a video link and then never interact.

Thanks for all you do!😍

Not a fan of police injustice. Thanks for caring! Please check out my blog about cannabis legalization early tomorrow!

A great man once said, "Fuck tha police"... I agree with that man.

As Uncle Ben said with great power comes a great responsibility☝

my mom hits me once doing nothing hahaha

good post...i like it !!

you have some killer videos bro. glad you came over here. it worked out good

Great info...

Those power goes to thier head.

Nice post and video...the guy never did wrong.. bad cops...i did enjoy the video

Amazing... Getting arrested for doing nothing... Lol

We really (as a people) need to make the police force ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. We really can't have innocent people victims of police brutality. We must make changes TODAY.

Self discipline... It's a very key factor to consider when putting power in the hands of a person. But it makes me ask myself again "how does one truly measure how self disciplined a person is? " there is so much pretence in the world we live in today. Although, you could easily and correctly tell "sometimes" when a person is self disciplined and wouldn't misuse power when it's vested upon him/her but most times you can't truly tell. The self discipline I'm talking about here ranges from the character of a person to how human he/she is. Most humans just carry the faces of human but a very ugly and wicked beast lives in them.

Nice post. Idle minds are devils workshop. Idle mind makes you do stupid things and think to do stupid stuffs.

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