In this report by TheFreeThoughtProject the Chicago Police Department (CPD) was caught trying to hide the money they stole from citizens via Civil Asset Forfeiture to the tune of 50 Million Dollars. In other words they first took money from the public doing their supposed legal police work but then instead of properly reporting and turn in that money to the police department and properly accounting for it they attempted to hide all this money so they could some how keep for themselves.
Are you getting this people! The police department which runs and is funded by our tax dollars to begin with then acts like mafia thugs, stealing our money and then just keeping it. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT SHIT!!! It is my opinion that this entire department should be shut down and all members should be arrested by the FBI/CIA or some federal policing agency, how about you all? Though I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna happen of course. In fact I'm pretty sure there ain't nothing going to happen and if CPD can get away with it what would make you think a few hundred other bigger or smaller police departments across the country aren't also doing this same bullshit!
As always please like, share, vote, comment and follow me @lsk464 for more eye opening report of the bullshit world in which we live! Thank You!!
Very depressing...
And this is news?