
Oh I read it! She literally placed her hand on your tail light. I don't care what you say. This is euphemism city!! And then she worried you might shoot her?! I wont even go where I am thinking of going! :O)

That is the 'boom we know and love. You have a gift for innuendo.

Too bad I didn't pull out my cell phone and record it. She was framed perfectly in the side view mirror. If we had a video we could go back and review it to see if she winked at me. She probably winked at me, I'm growing more certain of it.

I think there is no doubt that she winked at you. She might also have touched her bra. What makes me say this, I am quite unsure yet I am sure that it happened.

Hurrah for the lady police!

WOW.. yeah I read about this too.. I haven't been pulled over in a long while, but heard about this practice of touching the "perpetrator" vehicle so that an evidence trail could be established in the event you (as the perp) ran or evaded in some way.

I know with all the bad press lately, and the hostile political environment we tend to think of the police as a hostile encroachment of everything we hold dear.. But we have to remember that most police are "people too", however the recent training of the younger generation of law enforcement officers is not so kind to the population at large.. Now I can understand this from their perspective, since the advent of drugs like meth and heroin are rampant..
But it sure doesn't change the fact that I don't like being viewed as a perpetrator who is "guilty until proven innocent"

Haha funny story! I wonder if it’s true what she said about the fingerprints, or she just came up with that to be witty on the spot.

Careful driving home from the breweries!

Other people have confirmed that patrol cops are trained to leave a handprint. I wonder how often it is used to solve a crime.

Posted using Partiko Android

That was a great little story!!

You know, I think I read about this a long time ago in a book about police procedure for mystery writers. I'd totally forgotten about it. Makes a lot of sense, though.

I have a friend who is a police officer and he told me about touching the back of the car as they approach a vehicle, its a sad state of affairs they they need to do this

Well I think I figured out the real reason the police stopped you! You are driving on the wrong side of the road!! hehehe!! Glad I stumbled upon you here on Steemit! Talk soon @professorbromide :D

That first picture got inverted somehow. I only noticed it after I posted it.

I must admit, the officer's answer to your question was quite interesting. I would not have thought of that.

It makes me a little sad that she has to think about that.

Okay I have to ask, why not just syphon the water out of the head light? I know the light needs replacing after all if it gathered water once it will again, but when you first just replaced the bulb did you not notice the water?

Even after the parts guy told me there was probably water in the light, I didn't look for it. I just popped the new bulb in and drove off.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, sounds like something I would have done also. Temporary fixes, can leave lasting impressions, like the leaning Tower of Pisa, or now the, memory of why a police officer touches a tail light intentionally. A shame there is such a lack of trust any more, but the police need to do what they do to protect themselves and others.

Lack of trust is right. When I was in grad school, the custodian said that his daughter had just become a state trooper. The very first day on the job, the first guy she stopped for speeding pulled a gun on her.