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RE: 2024 [POL/ENG]

in #polishlast month

Hey man, good to see a new post from you. It looks like you "experienced life" at a higher intensity than many of us, especially the car accident part, it sounds funny imagining it but probably not so funny for those involved. :))


First group of police officers didn't laugh at all, second group however had a decent fun at the first group, accident of them would be easily avoidable if they would secure my car properly.

Also, I saw Star Trek for the first time and I see your profile pic in a new light 😀

Now that's a big surprise, to watch Star Trek in 2024/5 :))) Which one did you see?

TNG series and the first 9 or 10 full movies :) I'm absolutely in love with these, quality of producation, care for detail and respect for viewers' intelligence. Also, watching it now gives a great perspective on influence of that show upon our thinking around technology and its impact upon society.

Youp, seeing the PADDs in the series and then getting to have smartphones, I always made the connection. :)) I'm still waiting for a general purpose fully working Tricoder!