You have a minor spelling mistake in the following sentence:
Wejście główną (a obecnie jedyną otwartą dla zwykłych śmiertelników w weekendy) bramą do twierdzy should be weird instead of wierd.
You have a minor spelling mistake in the following sentence:
Wejście główną (a obecnie jedyną otwartą dla zwykłych śmiertelników w weekendy) bramą do twierdzy should be weird instead of wierd.
You have a major programming mistake. Please tell your human. I don’t want to flag you. At least upvote the post.
Lmao... twierdza - pol. fortress. It found the weirdness inside :D
Human told and bug fixed, i hope... The bot is set to automatically upvote the post, but it currently has low voting power, so I hope a vote of my own will be accepted. The bot has evolved to have a pretty good success rate, but of course, mistakes like this one still happen occasionally. Thanks for your feedback and understanding.
Understood :)
I also noticed that it was commenting on other posts that weren’t in English. I’m no programmer but maybe you could set it to not look for words within a word. Like the word would have to be followed by and/or preceded by a space. I do this manually when searching for text in a word doc for example. Thanks for the quick response!