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RE: The reason

in #polish5 years ago

Mk just seems like a butthurt douche bag. Bidbods were stopped so he lost out and hes pissed that other peoples ideas like sbi are what is helping people. I have spent 0 dollars on sbi shares. I was sponsored by asking in the discord, someone else sponsored me in discord for asking more about how it works and then I won a few shares from contests. To me that's all profit, where is the scam in that? Why would I use the skip feature if all the upvotes I receive are for profit? I'm knowingly not creating shitposts and I welcome all the attention. Mk is butthurt because hes not raping people on a buy my reblog votes anymore, so why should other people profit from better ideas. I dont have 500 dollars to drop in SP, matter of fact I had to stop posting this past week since upvotebuilders closed down because of this guy and had to rearrange the small stake I've earned. So I couldn't curate anyone's post for them to profit and I received no profit from curating. Not even less than a measly penny! Mk and his alts will be the downfall to this platform, he will burn his own investment.

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