W sobotę, 15 lutego, w Królestwie odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie Practical Philosophy Clubu. Tym razem dyskutowany temat to "Pieniądze". Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godzinie 16:30, a dyskusja będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim. Wstęp, jak zawsze, wolny.
On Saturday, February 15 the next meeting of the Practical Philosophy Club will again take place at the Kingdom (Biskupia St. 18/1). This time, we the topic is "Money". The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., and the discussion will be held in English. Admission, as always, is free
What is money at its core? Is it just a physical object, or more of a social construct?
Can money truly buy happiness?
How do money and wealth differ?
In what ways does money shape society and influence people’s behavior?
What would be the most just way to distribute money?
Is it possible for billionaires to be ethical?
Overall, does money do more good or harm?
Could a functional society exist without money, and if so, what alternatives might work?