Yeah, the profile pic is from the Caribbean where we lived for 2 years. Happy salty memories :)
Man, collecting ambers for living sounds like a cool job! I would go for it right away but I guess most of the gems have already been collected :D
No I haven´t tried those therapies but the health problems are not so bad actually. During the allergy season, I use Zodac, which seems to work pretty well for me and when I cannot breathe from asthma, I use an inhaler that is quite efficient too. But I use it only rarely. It´s more about just comfort than some real health threats... But yeah, whenever I´m by the sea, it´s all gone and I feel just good :) Same like you I guess...
By now is to early to say if Baltic works for me, even though I already feel better, but there might be a big influence of these medic procedures I undergo here, also long walks and dancing every other day are therapuetic for sure. 4 more weeks to gather data :D
Dancing? Wow :D Seems like these days, sanatoriums are different from I know from movies :D
Yeah, the most experienced patients told me that this is the most effective and most important of all healing procedures here :D
I know literally zero movies about sanatoriums :D