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RE: Na zachód / To the west [POL/ENG]

in #polish2 years ago

That´s really interesting. This is pretty much how we felt in Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife) in winter, the town is extremely popular with seniors from rich European countries, you might have noticed yourself :) It felt like the age average over there was around 80 years :)


Right! It was even more notable on the south-west part of the island, which is tourist area to the extreme extend :D

You mean the area around Las Americas and Los Cristianos? Yeah, that´s the most touristy part of the island but from my observation, there were some young people over there too. In Puerto it was just seniors everywhere. But it was fine with me, I loved how happy they all looked :)

Yep, and north up to La Caleta, I didn't spend a lot of time there though, in Puerto neither, just two days on the beach there, I remember you lived there for a longer period. But my general impression was the more tourist area was the more of mature people was there.

Mature people, that´s a nice phrase :)

Highly mature :D