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RE: Moja banieczka AI / My AI bubble [POL/ENG]

in #polish2 years ago

Let me tell you something else about me. I am a chemist, specializing in neuroscience, and I currently work at a company that operates in the field of genetic testing. From prenatal tests to oncogenetics. Artificial intelligence is a powerful, very powerful tool. It will open many doors, help us acquire new skills, open new horizons. Just as many will close, many jobs will no longer exist. We will have to evolve and we will have to do it quickly. And you are right that a large part of the population is more vulnerable. It is a problem of access to resources, monetary or cultural. And you're right to remain optimistic. Optimism is the first resource that pushes you to search, inform yourself, study, find new paths. And yes, Hive is a fairly meritocratic, fairly democratic and easily accessible microcosm that can create great value where capitalism creates chasms of inequality. I hug you. Stay true to yourself 💛