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RE: 'THREATS' for criminals are smartphones with GOOD cameras. "PRZEKLEŃSTWEM" dla przestępców są smartfony z DOBRYMI KAMERAMI.

in #polish10 months ago (edited)

Hello @hivewatchers / @spaminator,
explain to me: - why was the value of upvotes taken away from me?

The post includes my own photos and a commentary on current events in Poland and was illustrated with screenshots from the very prominently indicated sources in video form.
Analysis and discussion of events needs to be documented with images and is allowed by copyright law (with the source indicated).


Downvote na powyzszym poscie byl jako napomnienie. Usunelismy go teraz ale zostawimy pozostale na innych postach.
Mozemy w przyszlosci znowu usunac wynagrodzenia na blogu jesli sie powtorzy plagiat albo copypasta.