
Flagging for disagreement over rewards. You think this meme is worth $80+?

The market will verify the price.

Greetings @ausbitbank,

I notice something rather disturbing recently:

I saw you upvoting a 700K Steem whale who's, who is using fake reason to justifying the excuse of self-upvote 98% to the chagrin of all his followers and once fans and supporters:

Ironically you just flag a meme that' isn't worth $88, but you upvoted a whale who's near self-upvoting himself 100% and his meme's for $127.59?

I for one think you really need to read the whole reply chain....and see the severely flawed leaders, philosopher, legal advisers, even researchers like myself have tried to point out the latent fallacy of his excuse argument, go see the entirety for yourself good Sir:

You were the 1st witness i voted for, and I must have told over a hundred Aussies to vote for you, and many more hundreds more in our global community, I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, speaking to you personally first before all else, nobody else would probably care, but just wanted to say my peace with you...and give you a chance to respond

You know what else is “wack?”

Running for president as a so-called “anarchist” and acting like you have a chance in hell to get even 0.1% of the vote. Seems like a lot of wasted resources for guaranteed failure...and then not even spreading an actual philosophical anarchist message to boot.

You’re not exactly the best representative for anarcho-capitalism. I think this philosophy would be better served if you weren’t anywhere near the spotlight and trying to be its lead advocate.

So many little time for principles and logic. It’s a real tragedy.

Tell me where YOU ran for office to try to make a wider impact and your words will mean something. Otherwise you're nothing but a blowhard who ignores that the political world still matters very much. It's why you still use dollar bills whether you admit it or not.

Tell me where YOU ran for office...

I’m neither an authoritarian nor a sociopath.

Nice logic, too. It’s good to see all of these “libertarians” and “anarchists” with a fundamental grasp on argumentative discourse to go along with their impressive and consistent philosophical principles.

“If you haven’t run for office within the coercive state, you can’t criticize anyone!”

Oh...right. I forgot about the authoritarian sociopath requirement. Should I remain silent because of a fear of reprisal?

I love getting politesse lessons from those who've never put their own names on the line, and knowing they don't know I nearly won my US House race appealing to hundreds of thousands of people on a shoestring budget, with almost no help, and against a $1 million warchest. Tell me how well YOU did before.

I'll guess you come with that sophomoric reply about me being statist because, in reality, you're just like those in the Libertarian Party. All talk, no action. Most of you know ANYTHING about liberty because of something that happened in 2007 with Ron Paul, a politician. But now you deem yourself "beyond all that". Ha your definition, Ron Paul is an authoritarian and sociopath. You're beyond ridiculous.

I'm not a sociopath or authoritarian either. On the contrary, I'm quite attuned to most people and have worked, PROFITABLY, in the trenches among them likelier more closely than you could ever imagine, on many socio-economic levels, and understand human behavior in a way similar to anyone who studies it formally.

You're a fool if you think you don't live as a MINORITY among statist sympathizers, and that's giving you the benefit of doubt that you're any kind of advocate for liberty in even lip service. Most people do not want liberty because they do not want the responsibilities that come with them.

Talk all you want...remember, in the end, you were just talk. I'm proud to say that I was more. That I did something Ron Paul did, and almost won, in the most unconventional ways possible. It's not bragging when it's true.

The US House is a Constitutional position. Working toward a Constitutional environment again is a great way to get back to real liberty. Of course, this is the plan for those who have the intelligence to know that liberty won't be won all back overnight. It's for those of us who are intelligent and wise enough to know we didn't lose it from one minute to the next, and we won't be able to recover it that way either, if at all. It's for those of us who won't cut off our political noses to spite our philosophical faces. See if you can understand all this. Maybe you can't. So many of you are so "busy" being so "pure". You deny you use politically-decided money, and drive on politically-decided roads, and are affected directly, by politically-decided government omnipresence. It's like you're standing on a train track as the train's coming right at you, but you simplistically believe covering your eyes with your hands will make it go away.

At least I had an effective plan that moved us, as a group of people, in that direction, all before you heard of Ron Paul, I'm guessing. No one was forced, no one was extorted. No one was harmed.

What the fuck did you do? There's your challenge. Quantify your contributions. And "reprisals" with what--words? Sounds like someone's afraid of words. So many of you "anarchists" are nothing but the libertarian version of snowflakes.


No country should interfere in anybody's else matter

@ats-david good Daddy bush and junior and the clitons and the obomba were good people or whatever party they pretend to be in. We should all run to make this a country for the people again. and that is all a anarchist or a libertarian long as you don't try to put your views on anyone else, go ahead and live your life.

like Daddy bush and junior and the clitons and the obomba were good people or whatever party they pretend to be in.

So if I don’t support Kokesh, then I must enjoy the whole-hearted goodness of previous presidents?

See beyond the Duality and Deception. All a damn puppet show. It is literally a Hollywood movie. They are actors! Nice post lol.

There is one thing that both Democrats and Republicans cannot guarantee and that is FREEDOM and PEACE. Both have hands in this Syria political influenced war, I even wrotea post about it. Voting them is so Wack

There's no guarantee in Politics specially if it's from a Politician

is he a sleepy member of legeslative at a meeting of the people???
I hope many people will support you @adamkokeshand I am one of those people.
I have shared the imformation on my blog
to join you @adamkokesh on April 17th at 7pm on KB Dillon's (101 W Broadway, Farmington, New Mexico 87401)
I ask for advice on my latest writing about FREEDOM!! MONETARY POLICY HAS KILLED MANY LIVES
if you do not mind visiting for a little advice on my writing. i hope many people are motivated by you my teacher @adamkokesh and my prayers always accompany
Thank for this @adamkokesh

We are so being played. There is only freedom or tyranny.
In the A-League, there's a blue team and a red team complete with coaches, cheerleaders, and of course devoted fans.

There's also a B-League where the rest of the teams are. They don't get much coverage

If that doesn't make us look stupid, I don't know what does. The end result.


The folks who own the government are experts at pitting people against each other, just look at the Middle East.

Here's the truth of it


Wack! This photo is so lucky it got $75.00 + pending rewards

I wouldn't call it luck as much as an out-of-control delegated SP habit.

Welcome Freedom Amerika Serikat.
Resteem 😃

Apparently someones flagged this post to where I couldn't see it. I did want to point out that you misspelled "politics" in the tag.