
The governments across the world, not only in America, are waking up to one of the biggest disruption of our time. Not just private sector, but also the financial revolution. People taking control of their own money and not needing the governments to "save it" or to "invest it" for them. Financial disruption is gonna render their currency obsolete.

@cryptoprofessor that is very true. Blockchain technology is giving people more and more reasons to be less dependant on the state. It started with finances, now everything is going to the model, it's such a huge blow to government.

Thank you very much

Jesse: What state are you residing in? A group of us are working behind the scenes setting up state HQs and organizations for AK's campaign. [email protected] Anyone. Anytime.

Thank you very much

I honestly used to think Kokesh was a clown but the more this guy takes himself seriously, the more I take him seriously. Wish him Best of luck

I definitely had to sit down with @adamkokesh to hear him out, and I'm honestly glad I did!

Those who believe in their God should keep on praying for the betterment of the nation