Early Peace Consensus ... Consenso, início da paz...

in #politcs7 years ago


I, like millions of spectators around the world, have seen through newsreels, social media, that in order to break out the war between great world powers in the age of technology, it depends only on a click of a button by someone who has the choice of a people who expect from him the ethics and seriousness in representing them in the face of conflicts that he has under his responsibility to avoid them, not to do what we see personal wars becoming the real motives that can unleash irreparable destructions for present and future generations ...

This was too much for my neurons who immediately panicked, trying to understand how in the XXI century we are still forced to swallow gag down such information so contradictory to the majority of humanity, that just as I, of this I am sure are also very disappointed to see that this real possibility of happening depends on the emotional thermometer of people who should act for the grandest and noble motives that it would be in the name of peace, not to use hypocrisy through the devastation represented by the war, after having pronounced before wreckage that it was in the name of honor and peace ...

In the playful way, it looks like we are seeing two high-class teenagers playing a game in the new video game launch game, where the winner is the one who has the most powerful toy, demonstrated through the biggest button with more power of destruction. It is pathetic to see such positions on the part of those who should really give pride to those who chose him to represent their country ...

Meanwhile, the distressed world hopes that there will finally be a consensus for responsibility in maintaining harmony among peoples, that demonstrating power through war will only lead to more wars, and this is not the wish of the majority that finally hopes for peace to happen without before seeing the less fortunate lose their dignities, through unthinking acts

Life is unique is a passage that must be made in the best possible way within the limits of each one. Always respecting the differences ...


