Composition Of The New French National Assembly - Why Is It Revolutionnary and Unattempt ?

in #politic8 years ago

The victory of Emmanuel Macron at the last presidential elections was a very huge surprise. As a new usual habits, surveys were wrong and oriented. Following the presidential choice, the legislative elections confirm the choice of the French people : need to break with the former system, divided in two blocks : on the one side the liberals (Right parts) and on the other side the socialists (Left part).

But why the new composition of the French National Assembly is disturbing and revolutionary for the French analysts ?

Before 2017 : Left vs Right - The usual match between Republicans and Socialist

The creation of the 5th Republic by the General de Gaulle in 1958 is the result of her willingness to keep the power. In fact, the famous fighter didn't have the supreme authority during a period. At this period starts the Algerian revolutionary against the French Occupation. Presented like the "Deliverer", General De Gaulle came back to the head of the France and pronounced his speech with the "Je vous ai compris" (I understood you). Nobody knew if he understood the Algerian people, the government or the partisans of French Algerian, but it worked.

Following his come back, General de Gaulle changed the constitutional system from 4th Republic to 5th Republic. In the new arrangement, the powers of the French President were considerably increased. The WW2 hero would rest at the head and made the instruments to make it possible. In 1968, he asked to the French people to give to him their confidence again. The answer was a slap : NO. De Gaulle left the politics and never returned.

After the passage of the General, French politics are divided in two parts : the republicans and the socialists. There was only one centrist government under Valéry Giscard D'Estaing. The elected presidents were all issued of the two principals politics parties and never from an outsider. The campaigns began one or two years before the elections with the presentation of the candidates. Generally, we could know before who will be the president between the republicans or the socialist candidatures.

Typically, the government has the same affinities as the President. If the chief is a Socialist member, the head of the power will be the same. Sometimes, there was cohabitation. Strange situation : the President and the Prime Minister didn't come of the similar politics families. They must to command the country with their divergent opinions. It was the case with the President Jacques Chirac and the Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. But the both came from the classical big parties.

The actual composition : New Party, News Deputies and New Composition

Just after the presidential elections were the legislative elections. The but of these is to give to the French President the power to lead powerfully the country. Choosing the Prime Minister who compose the government, the French President need to have the majority at the National Assembly to applicate his promises.

The later elections bring out a new political party : En marche ! ( In Motion!). Like the Spanish political party Podemos, the results are suprising. 75% of the political deputies are new in the National Assembly. Usually, the renewal of a political mandate is the rule and the exclusion the exception. Choosing fresh people is a symbolic choice : the French people is bothered by the former and in-past elected and want deeper changes.

The new elected representatives aren't newbie in the field of politic. Several have already exercise local mandates or in another assembly. But near 200 candidates haven't experience. It s in the same time exciting and affraying. Why ? Because lead a country suppose to have experiment and special skills with the others fields like company, European politics, diplomatic skills and be able to treat with the lobbies. How would the baby-born deputes respond to this different solicitations ? We will see !

The import second point is the age of the deputies. The middle age is 49 years old : it's a real rejuvenation of the National Assembly. This choice highlights again the desire to the French people to disrupt with the former used patterns. It's a important focus when we know the majority of 20's didn't vote.

The third point is the importance of women : 39% of the deputies are female. It is a record for an so-called egalitarian country like the France. Usually composed of 75% of male, the National Assembly changes her face with a more visible presence of women. The Emmanuel Macron's party tempt to the real equality with a ratio of 47% of female deputies.

New faces and new attempts : why is the French People hopeful ?

With a radical change of the composition of the French National Assembly, the Frenchies affirm their desires to renew the country. 1/3 of deputies own a society and can be able to understand the difficulty of the market. Yes, some are afraid about the liberal side of the program of the French new leader, but French people are known to grumble. The society didn't change since 60 years and it's time to reach out to the world and the progress !