Why do we celebrate the International May Day?

in #political6 years ago (edited)

On May 1, 1886, the American working class under
the Federation of Organised Trades and Unions
launched a massive struggle to ensure 8 hour
working day which brought together more than
35,000 workers. The epicentre of this great labour struggle was Chicago, where the eight-hour movement inspired defiant protests and strikes--and inspired fear and repression from bosses and their loyal servants in law enforcement. Two days after the massive May 1 actions, Chicago police fired on a protest of workers at a South Side factory, killing four people. A protest demonstration was called the
next day for Haymarket, just west of downtown. The rally was peaceful, but as it was nearing a close, police waded into the crowd. At this point, a bomb was thrown into the ranks of police and this became the excuse for a deadly rampage by the authorities.
The leadership of the workers were arrested and charged with conspiring to commit the bombing even though most weren't even at Haymarket when the explosion occurred. After a kangaroo trial, 8 of them were convicted. Among them, Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel and Adolph Fischer were sentenced to death. While Louis Lingg was also handed out the same punishment, he gave up his life in jail. After massive protests by workers the remaining three, Michael Schwab, Oscar Neebey and Samuel Fielden were freed. The sacrifices made by these brave leaders gave strength and momentum to the working class movement which finally succeeded in establishing the eight hours norm. The eight-hour struggle and the words of the Haymarket Eight provide a message of defiance in the face of repression--and of the power of a working class united in struggle.
This is how people started the International May Day on the 1st day of May every year across the world. It is also called as the International Labours' Day or International Workers' Day.