Is Hillary Clinton sick AND Insane? 2020 Presidential Run!?

in #political7 years ago (edited)

The New York Times is reporting that Hillary Clinton has been sending out emails to her zombie constituency to get feelers on what kind of support she would have for a 2020 Presidential campaign. Is this woman insane? Logic would have to say yes because the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result.
The Clintons have gotten so used to power, and money extortion through their corrupt foundations that her own party does not like her. Hillary was quoted last week as saying “We are gonna take back our Country” and hinting that she may get on the campaign trail again to run against Trump. This is not only laughable but it’s not surprising because the Democratic Party is in shambles so bad that they may never recover. They have no candidate that can win right now, Nancy Pelosi is a mumbling mess of brain matter, Maxine Waters is a race baiting leftist trying to start a civil war and Creepy Uncle Joe Biden has worn out his welcome in Washington touching young children inappropriately on C-Span way too many times. There has even been talk about Oprah Winfrey, Dwane “The Rock” Johnson, and even Mitt Romney as possible candidates. This proves the cupboard is empty for the Democratic Party because if between now and 2020 the Low life pedofile Podesta brothers get implicated in the “Insurance Policy” files on Anthony Weiner's laptop, the whole entire party is doomed for 20 years.
I think anyone who knows me or who has followed me knows I can not stand anyone with the last name Clinton because they have harmed our country in the worst ways in the history of mankind. It’s easy when you have the MSM in your corner to cover up your crimes and your rapist husbands infidelity but, Hillary still thinks she is loved by America even though the “sleeping giant” is being woken a little more every single day.
Without a doubt our country is divided by race, religion, Immigration, gender and political views but, if she ever wins the Oval Office, the division will become worse than ever before. I can’t belive people like the Clintons who have committed thousands of crimes since their gangster rule over Arkansas even have one single voter left....let alone thousands.
What part of this map does Hillary not understand? News broadcasts from coast to coast told us all the way up until Election Day that she was a 95% LOCK for the White House and even to this day she believes she got more votes than Trump but lost because of the electoral college. Fake, rigged, double counted votes from machines made by companies owned by George Soros don’t count Hillary. America hates you! Sure, you fooled some people, the ones who don’t want to invest the time to really dig into who you are and who your husband is. Both of you have written garbage bin books that saw nobody show up to support during your promo tours. More people showed up to call you both criminals, liars and treasonous Americans than they did to support you. Give it up Hillary, you had your chances and were rejected like the fraud you are. I actually hope you do decide to run because there is no way you can sway this country back into your good graces and it will be very fun to watch the MSM try to frame your innocence to gain voters. You have been exposed and they only reason they want to help you win is so they don’t get exposed either!

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It's not Hillary that is insane in this case it would be the democratic party if they let and support her to be their nominee.

Democratic Convention would look like geniuses if they had her run and completely sabotaged her making another candidate look like the next great world leader. It's like going through the playoffs. It can be ugly as long as you win so that you have a chance for the grand prize.

She needs to announce her candidacy, so that when Trump comes at her with indictments, she can claim that he is attacking a political opponent. She's desperate. Lock her up.

I'm NOT with her and never will be!!!

Sick and insane !?! Yes, YeS, and YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

I fucking got scared by watching his 2nd picture ,she is looking like a vampire :/ I think you don't love her :p

She isn't a human anymore

**I can feel the bloodlust from here, and that is spinning my head

**Why doing this xD xD hahaha

I just hate the fact that she is a wife of bill Clinton :/ both are ass holes.

both are horrible humans.

I have heard bill Clinton is a rapist ? is it true?

Well there are 4 different girls who say it is. I wasent there so I really don’t know.

And don't forget Danney Williams who claims to be Bill Clinton's son. You should watch what Danney has to say about it.

I have seen all of it..... do believe Danny is his son.


Can it possible zombie alive? Yes if she is doing that she is an insane. But i dont beleive on that news. I think the failure of hillary the reason can be the murder of millions of muslim people on iraq, afghanistan, shaam. Beacause she was the main part of previous goverment

@broncnutz You think that zombies are alive or will come in future

I have no idea....I doubt it.

Something wrong with her? Not even Democrats would send her back in Presidential campaign after she lost already.

Your second picture is nice crazy look. Thanks for sharing with us. @broncnutz

This girl is gone mad, Somebody please stop her.

Do you think it was good that trump defeated Hillary ??And what about McAfee running for presidential election?Who is your next ideal candidate?

I dont like either party. I think its very good that Trump beat her and so far he has done many good things for America. I don't know if he is a good guy or not yet, its a complicated world and we never know the whole truth. McAfee is too crazy for me but if I had to pick someone to be President I think it would be Trey Gowdey. If Trump runs...he will win again and this time it will be by a very wide margin I think.

Amen to that, brother. I can't stand her either. And sure looks like we ain't the only ones who feel that way...

LOL is she a zombie.@broncnutz you have done a great job,hahaha.

She looks like vampire i am scared.

What part of this map does Hillary not understand?

Those words hit me real good when I thought I was almost done with the savagery in your post lol.

One should envy her tenacity though.

Determined to loot!!!

What a scary face in second picture! 😲

She’s a scary person....I felt it was appropriate.

Yeah not following the trend in politics of America but I guess what makes her not have won the election from the onset means a lot.

C'mon bronc,
You know someone as power hungry as her can't just fade away. She's gonna ride her wheelchair (I'm sure by 2020) across country on a FDR type campaign of sympathy again.

I wish she would just die. The entire world would be better off.

As soon as she's even close and if there's a way for her to cheat death, a "mystery" donor will be found with or without consent.

The political system is about to collapse and smart contracts, electronic blockchain governance is about to replace it. The clown show will be eclipsed by a crumbling legal system which few will trust by 2020.

I sure hope your right. Humanity needs this!

hahaha LOL


I personally don't care either way what happens but I really can't believe this woman is going to give it another run. I mean, when a deer has been run over by a mack truck you don't brush it off and send it back out into the wilderness. You shoot it and put it out of its misery. The same should be done with Hilary. I know she thinks she was on the edge of glory but come on. The dream is over.

Zombies are not real i thought so.vut Hillary has become sick

I don't think it's insane, in last election she was defeated by trump and that election was full controversary. People says there was russian effect behind this election. That's why she is giving it another try.

There has never been one shred of evidence the Russians were involved.....even CNN admitted they made the story up. There was no real controversy, it was made up by a corrupt FBI which is why James Comey is not only gone but now being probed for possible indictment. It’s all a TV show man.

I just can't figure it out that if people don't like D.Trump(people mocks him), then why they voted him?

his approval rating says other wise but you cant believe any of the polls either. I think the mocking is done by a select few. If I had to say I would bet he would win an election against anyone in this country right this second.

never underestimate the power of the media/propaganda

Oh sad news Hillary is sick , zombies are alive or will come future on Hillary Cliton .

Upvote you .Thanks for sharing @broncnutz

It is called a rich politics, mixing many things together and try to show I haven't done it. LOL

We will have to move to Anarchapulco with Jeff if She were to win in 2020......@broncnutz

I rather live in mexico than here is shes in charge.

I am with you buddy

She is a great democrat , very nice human and die hard fighter. She should contest next election

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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The two names mentioned in the current period are Hillary Clinton and Donald Prump.

I am got scared from second one picture LOL

girl is gone mad

Sick and insane!

@broncnutz For me hillary clinton should be best choice for 2020 election. I think she was the only alternative candidate after Barack Obama. Do you agree?

Hello friend i am not a great fan of her,so she looks like zoombie for me.

i love to read it...

Maybe Zombie is alive. it can be possible that Zombie will come back again on Hillary Clinton. But i don't believe on news.I think this news is like breaking the earthen pot in the market.

i dont like both of them she and her husband bill clinton ...

she is like i will win this election for sure lol

Thanks for share this Sir .
You have a new follower thanks . :-)

I hade this guys..bcu he didnot love means word...

yes, you didn't already know that?meme3.jpg

Wow! I'll say one thing for her - she must have the thickest skin on the planet to be going for it again.

I agree - it would be great watching the filthy media trying to frame her as some kind of noble warrior, coming back from adversity to save the world.

I think Hillary would win @broncnutz because she is very rich and powerful politician and a member of an underground government that controls the US government itself. I hope that America fights this kind of eveil and realize that they are in the verge of more divisions.

I don't know about us politics , I think you will be right

She could win provided all 50 States use the “Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia,” the report noted. “Other jurisdictions affected are California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin.”

Other reports warned voters to be on the lookout for the Smartmatic voting machines, telling them to demand paper ballots if their polling location had the machines.

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