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RE: Do NOT give evidence against yourself!

in #political7 years ago

At the end of the day, all you really have to do is make sure there is nothing for them to steal with the use of Trusts and be right "in their face" with your assertion that you are NOT required to follow their requirements for filing. If they send you a request to file, you respond with a Registered Letter ONLY telling them why you do NOT have to file. (No Income [corporate profits] - Not a "person" - Not a corporation). It is also good not to be in a position that they are taking withholdings from your compensation. In other words it is much easier if you are self employed.


I have a question about this; I have decided not to file income taxes this year, but I am still in a slave job and a student at University. I hold my job in the Netherlands and study in the Netherlands, so I have the option to use my bank account from my home country if they confiscate the account I have opened at a Dutch bank. I expect they will close the account sooner or later because they claim that I owe them 740$ income tax for having worked two jobs during the summer. I can afford to lose the account because I never keep more than 150$ on it (my slave job pays weekly and my salary is around 155$ a week) so I can live with losing the money. I pay my tuition fees and rent from another account with savings. I am prepared to sue for fraud and theft once they close the account because the bank stole my account as soon as I signed the contract and gave the government control over my money without informing me which is outright theft, yet they continue to lie to me and tell me it is my account.

Anyway, I have received a letter addressed to the person which I do not own and returned the letter unopened to them via the post. I know it asked me for the money because it was a blue letter and I know they think I owe them 740$ because they already tried to steal the money from the account that is allegedly mine. However, the bank booked the money back because they don't allow my account to go below 0 (I had $3 on there at the time). However, unlike you suggest I have not even written a letter in which I explain why I don't have to file and simply sent the letter to the return address unopened. I did this because I do not assume the responsibilities and obligations of persons that I do not own, therefore leaving the letter closed, but since they want to do commerce and I am not allowed to interfere with their commerce I think I have done the right thing by returning the letter.

However, I do have a specific question to you about the bank account. How do you get a bank account when they always ask you for your slave ID or social slave number or otherwise? I understand it is discrimination if they do not let me open an account when I refuse to provide information that I do not have to provide lawfully. However, I do not think that the management will make an exception without a lawsuit.

Thus, my aim currently is to take them to court for theft and fraud and then ask for an account that I own as a remedy. Is that a workable solution? I hear you are collecting money $1 or $2 on Youtube as donations as an extremely less desirable alternative which suggest to me that you still have a bank account to hold promissory notes for you. So, I think that you have found a way to get them to do what they claim they do: to open account in my name.

I would be very happy if you reply to me. I am considering to donate $2 to you monthly. I have followed your advice for a very long time and after researching for myself I am now prepared to apply what I have learned from you and others.

Actually, I might buy your subscription. It's difficult to keep up with all the different advertisements that you have. I had problems accessing your website. What is the most recent link?

Ah. Well, this helps. I'll look into "Trusts". Funny how the Corporations are set up to behoove the collectors. I do enjoy your channel. Free thinking is not common today but it is a must IMO.

Just found this old conversation we had but still the question lingers for me. I'd really like to know more about these subjects but feel I'd have to go to law school to learn their ways then figure out whats actually right?

They want you to think you have to go to law school and it does take some study, but it is not that bad. I have an older video about trusts and will publish it here in the next few days.