The Cultural Revolution has another capitalist roader enemy.
Unfortunately it is a person of colour who is the wrong thinker and he will be silenced along with our oppressors, the racist white supremacists.
To achieve our utopian cultural marxist socialist calaphate it is encumberent on all red guards to have pure minds and follow the goals and directions of our great leaders, Sec of State and next President Hillary Clinton, Hollywood Harvey Wienstien, Leader Pelosi, Billy "the feelings" Shorten, Mama Merkel, Jeremy "the caliph" Corbyn, Robert Magarbi, Kim il Jong , etc etc.
As part of this process we will eliminate, as our great revolutionaries, Chairman Mao, Comrade Stalin, De Fuhrer Her Hiltler and Our Dear and Great Leaders the Kims have done in the past, those individuals and groups who are not be fully on with our program. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good of our cultural marxist socialist paradise.
Racism will be ELIMINATED and we will start by addressing the crimes of genocide, sexism, the patriarchy, environmental damage, mishogony, colonialism, islamaphobia and supremacy caused by white men.
The stinking white stain that has oppressed and victimised, first nations people, people of colour, the lbtq etc community, feminists and especially muslims for 1000s of years must come to an end.
Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative
So... you're led by Harvey Weinstein?