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RE: Politically Incorrect with Schattenjaeger #1: Discrimination is a Human Right

I'm Jealous I didn't think of this idea first. Thank you for posting. l will try my best to debate this.

While Justice can sometimes hinge on personal morals; Justice also denotes what is lawful and or impartial. What you appear to be arguing against is impartial treatment of others in specific cases. While being partial may feel convenient at times; It is not practical overall.

Anti-discrimination laws and social institutions help societies function optimally. Take the civil rights movement for example. For whatever reason people don't like to acknowledge the fact that outlawing employment and voting discrimination was a huge economic boon for the US (particularly the south). Moreover, the economic elevation of black Americans did not negatively impact white pocket books.

We can look at your strip club owner and baker in the same light. Both are shooting themselves in the foot by not tapping gay wedding and granny fetish market. Every costumer has different need and catering to that insures longevity.

You might be surprised to hear that anti discrimination legislation already influences our private lives. The laws in a society inform peoples opinions on what is morel. Referring to anti-discrimination laws again; since they were put in place parental approval of interracial marriages has risen by ten percent every year. It went from %4 in 1958 to %89 in 2008. There was a time when executing gay men was legal and now over %60 percent of people have a gay friend. Since laws made it possible for at risk groups to live normal lives people are more likely to interact, befriend, and marry them.

How does anti discrimination go to far? The principle itself is based on balance and there is not a point past balance.

I also cant imagine having to have sex with everybody being all that bad either ;)