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RE: How The Silk Road TERRIFIED The Global Establishment - The Free Ross Campaign with Lyn Ulbricht

in #politics8 years ago

please stop with the "Upvote my post and i upvote your post" this is not twitter, this is not instagram, please stop, your BEGGINg and its LAME you should be flagged! Your comment is TRASH

Do you realize what would happen if EVERYONE upvotyed everyone elses posts because THEY got upvpted ??!!? NOONE would ever make any money, and gues what? Jyst because you upvote my post, that doesnt mean i should upvote YOUER post, because Your post might not be any good!

if you want upvotes YOU MUST EARN THEM you CANNOT get upvots by commenting BEGGING for upvotes WTF ist SO annoying your POLLUTING steemit with your SPAM youre likea fucking greedy little robot wtf is wrong with you?!?!?! please realize that you have to POST GOOD CONTENt if you ant upvotes man come on .
I will give you ONE upvote so u can make a few cents from me

but u must actualy POST HELPFUL COMMENTS
u have to POST COOL IMAGS or funny GIFS but it has to be RELEVANT
like here we are talking about THE SIOLK ROAD so MENTION SOMETHING ABOUT DARKNET MARKETS DAMNIT dont just say "Thnanks for share!" thats POINTLESS youre OBVIOUSLY just trying to get atention for your opwn blog because THIS is one ofthe trending top posts! PLEAE stop begging and actualy leave aHELPFUl comment ADD VALUE