My Campaign Platform

in #politics7 years ago



The platform is simple. When elected, I will swear in, walk to the White House, and sign one executive order. This executive order will lay out the process for dissolving the federal government in a peaceful, orderly manner. With it, I will be resigning as President to become “Custodian of the Federal Government.” The executive order will appoint heads of each federal department, or “Custodians” who will be instructed to carry out a mostly predetermined plan for their departments. The only authority that I will retain will be to replace Custodians if they are unable to complete their responsibilities or are not faithfully executing the plan.

Some agencies will be very easy to do away with, like those that perform only regulatory functions like the Department of Education, or those that perform completely illegitimate functions, like the IRS. Some departments, like Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Interior, need to be handled carefully and in some ways transferred to state governments. National Parks will be preserved as independent non-profits that will be open to the public. American troops abroad will be immediately brought home in a responsible and orderly manner that does not endanger their lives. All foreign federal properties will be liquidated. The offensive weaponry of the Department of Defense will also be liquidated (while defensive weaponry and appropriate personnel will be apportioned to the states) and the funds will be used to create endowments for the newly privatized Department of Veterans Affairs owned by veterans, and Social Security Administration, owned by every American who has paid into it as of the signing of the executive order.

Without your support, the inevitable collapse of the US Federal Government will not happen in a peaceful, orderly manner. In one sense, the message of this campaign is, “We can do things the easy way, or the hard way.” The hard way is to keep our heads buried in the sand. The easy way is to apply a solution as big as the problem. However, there is no guarantee that the American people will choose the easy way. It’s quite possible that there will be a collapse before a critical mass of us see the light. We may have a very broad secession movement. Regardless of how the federal government comes to an end, I will run until it ends.

More important than the politics of this campaign is the education about the nature of government and how we can apply it to live more free NOW! This campaign is about encouraging people to minimize the role of government in their lives and their role in empowering government. When you understand government properly, you relate to it properly. One of the most important ways to disempower government is to stop paying taxes (legally or illegally.) One of the most effective ways to do this is to stop using government money, and with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, this is easier than ever.

Well before the 2020 campaign season, I’ll be releasing the exact plan of this campaign as a book, AMERICAN FREEDOM!, which will lay out the general plan and principles of the platform. Because the executive order will be constantly under development in order to stay current with the state of the government, as the campaign progresses, we will have an updated version of the executive order on this site by the time I will be seeking the nomination of the Libertarian Party at our 2020 convention. Until then, join the revolution you’ve been waiting for by signing up here:

This is from my website platform page:


"One of the most important ways to disempower government is to stop paying taxes (legally or illegally.) One of the most effective ways to do this is to stop using government money, and with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, this is easier than ever.

Well, i think thats easier said then done, if you avoid paying tax here in The Netherlands they will lock you up sooner or later. After they sold your house for half the price.

And what about the tax money that is well spend. On health-care schools etc..?

(imo) Paying tax isn;t the problem, corruption is.


Hallo markush

Would you pay for health care, schools, etc if you were not forced to pay?

yes why not? Or in other words why not help people who need it?

Yes I agree I would do the same And I assume and noticed, a lot of people who vote for those things would answer the same.

Do you find it wrong or immoral, if I personally or anyone else, would come to your house threaten you to pay me money so I could pay for the things I deem to be necessary and good, and lock you up or take other stuff, like your house, with force, if you don't pay me?

edit; I added some words.

Even in a perfect society you most likely have to pay tax in one form or another. Its not the tax that makes things corrupt is the corrupt people who use tax as a tool.. for their own benefits.

You should visit The Netherlands were a lot of tax money is well spend. Schools hospitals public transportation.. etc etc. Its not perfect here though but its doable. And that thanks to tax money.

To be clear, if there was a new improved system. Which would help more people with less tax money. I would be glad.

Even in a perfect society you most likely have to pay tax in one form or another. Its not the tax that makes things corrupt is the corrupt people who use tax as a tool.. for their own benefits.

To clear things up.
Can I assume out of your answer that you find it moral and good if I do the thing I portrait above, and that I (or anyone else) would not be corrupt, if I did that to begin with?

I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I pay taxes there.

"I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I pay taxes there.

Cool, nog iemand uit Nederland. Maar dan kan je als de beste zien dat belastinggeld goed besteed kan worden, mits er niet teveel corruptie is.

Best of luck man! You'll need it, I'd love to think we can have a world revolution in peace. But I feel it's to late for that, people are completely disconnected from one another and there are more weapons than ever before...

What about the FED?

How do you mean? It will, finally, be left up to the free market instead of corrupt corporatism. If the FED can figure out a way to operate in the free market then, I suppose, it could continue to exist. But there would be no federal government paying interest to it, there would be no governmental collusion with the FED on interest rates, and there would be no governmental protections that are critical to help the Federal Reserve bank bilk and exploit the people within this country.

LOL... >>>The offensive weaponry of the Department of Defense will also be liquidated<<<

uh, may I ask: SOLD TO WHOM? Are you intending to just auction the stuff off, there Mr. NoPrez Custodian? LOL

anarchos can be so cute and entertaining at times when they put on their "big boy suit and tie outfits". LOL COME ON, MARINE. WTF ARE YOU THINKING HERE?

Here. Check out what my Army buddy sent me.... Marine testing for Land Mines:
marine testing for mines.jpg

Probably the states. Or they'll be destroyed. Or maybe sold to private militias. I don't know who will bid on these things. Maybe to charities who want to destroy them. Sky's the limit on this concept.

"Opening bid on this shiny new nuclear sub... Do I hear $1,000? Yes. Now, 1,005. Gimme 10... 15, 25. Sold... To the hippie in the corner named Kenny's Kitchen!" aaaaahahahahah. You can't buy this kind of comedy! Oh, by the way: Will noPrez be accepting FRNs for this fleet? Or will the banksters' counterfeit currency already be worthless because AK shut it down first?

Wow. We need to run a village first. LOL

Got a better idea? I'd love to hear it.

Actually, the auction idea is not bad. ...under certain circumstances. I would suggest the bidders have to be from the 50 states and they have to pay in gold or silver. Otherwise, the same currency counterfeiters who are causing all this problem in the first place will end up with the hardware, then to be distributed amongst their remaining puppet nations. No one will be able to outbid them; they print what they need; when ever they need it.

And a culmination of a "better idea" is still derived from the construction of a village, small town or city first. We need practice in the laboratory of life with this radical view and prescription.

You got my vote brother!! Having one man rule it all is such an outdated way of thinking. Why do us Americans think we need a president?? ITs so sad to say though that the system is rigged and its going to be the same old story until like you said, we will do it the hard way.

I support you @adamkokesh
You are a great person & a great thinker, please add me to my better life. best regards fredom @adamkokesh

ADAM KOKESH for President!!,
I do not reside in the United States but the evil politics affects the entire planet so I would really love to see this happen Adam.!

Hey Adam, first let me say once more Thank You for the Service you are trying to provide the "American People". You know as I have said before that I support you and this movement. I am concerned that the current federal employees and those who receive a pension from the federal government are going to be hard sells. My father is retired civil service and about 75% of his income is from the federal government.

So help me sell him on this concept. How can I get him to understand?

Also what do we tell all those who are aspiring to work for uncle sam?

I know that we still have time to make this work. I guess I was just wandering, what are you saying to the people you run into that fit this demographic?

Again Thanks Adam and keep being you!

Out of the 23 million people who work for the government, only about 3 million of those people work for the federal government - and that includes military. 3 million jobs which create the most waste, death, and destruction on the planet.

But, we don't want to leave the out to dry. Adam gives a great example of how we'll transition government functions that SHOULD EXIST to the people. He uses the example of the VA, Veterans Affairs. I think we all agree that is a social function that should exist. And we also agree that the current iteration sucks ass.

Adam Kokesh wants to give every veteran in America 1 ownership voting share in the VA. I guarantee that if veterans had a say in the VA there wouldn't be 20 veteran suicides a day.

And that's just an explicit example. The idea is to dissolve government in three categories:
1.) Localize
2.) Liberate
3.) Liquidate

The US Federal government, and all of its departments, can either be pushed down to the state level (localized), given over to the people who benefit from it, like the VA example above (liberate), or completely done away-with, like the DoE which doesn't educate one child and doesn't own one school (liquidate.)

Hey Ben, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it really did not answer my question though. What I am trying to figure out is how do we begin to win over those who are on the government tit and are going to be very reluctant to let go.

I am aware of the numbers on the jobs, but you nor I are naive, the 3 million jobs do not mean only 3 million people will be affected. So this demographic we are talking about is really big. When you include retirees and contractors in the numbers I would think a minimum of 10 million, and of course their families.

So again, I am all in, but I have no information to use as a starting point to get these people to give up the tit. If I have missed an article that lays out how retirees will be affected, or how this demographic will be handled please point me in its direction. If not shouldn't we be brain storming on how best to handle this?

Anyway, again, Thanks for your hard work and I look forward to your reply.

Maybe by stating that they wouldn't have to pay federal taxes anymore and that they could use a free market money that won't lose its value due to inflation. Or that they could find more fulfilling work in the free market with the same skills they used in the government.

When we liquidate the assets of the federal government there will be trillions of dollars that we can put into the existing social safety net. But when the money runs out, that's it. During the 30-40 years that will take, we will have to come up with alternative systems of social safety net.

ADVERSARIAL: individual Rights (freedoms) are inversely proportional to government power. The more power the government has, the less Rights you have. Government can't grow in size or power except at the cost of our individual Rights and freedom.

If there's any truth to that and I think there is, then the only logical solution to protecting our rights is to eliminate government.

The goal is righteous.

go on your way.

what? Are you telling him to leave? ...get out of town?

I don't think she meant get out of town.
I'd interpret it more as an encouragement like, do what you have to do. But I must say I have a tendency to see the best in people. :) I could be wrong.


I ask questions to get the facts. I don't want to be wrong.

Guess one can never find out what she, or maybe its a he meant, the person (or maybe bot, what do I know) could have meant anything, and not tell the truth.

Good day princess ...peace:)

You misunderstood. I mean, go ahead. You keep on your way.

I will bring the popcorn 🍿

I am waiting to see the plan as a book, because this looks very interesting and more democratic in the real sense of democracy.
Freedom to all Mankind

Resteemed to the cannabis community brother!!

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American troops abroad will be immediately brought home in a responsible and orderly manner that does not endanger their lives. All foreign federal properties will be liquidated

I only have 2 questions.

  1. What will these highly skilled people be doing back here in the states? I think we should maybe not build a wall but we will need to really beef up our borders
  2. What about all the government employees going on unemployment? A fiend of mine @wizardave when asked him question about all the non-essential employees going on un-employment from a government shut-down says it will equal out but I don't understand the Math he used to get his answer

Dear Adam,

Can you tell us how you would go about eliminating the Federal Reserve?

And as a former military man, how would you "take down" the Fed when they have much more powerful bosses (the International Banking Cabal) that wouldn't easily give this up?

And which money would you install in lieu of Fed Notes? Would you simply follow the Constitution (of 1787) as was originally prescribed by the Founding Fathers? :

Article 1 – Section 8 – clause 5 of the Constitution states:

[The Congress shall have Power] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Would your proposed money/currency have a gold or silver backing? How would it work? Would you want to do like JFK an issue silver-backed United States Notes issued by the Treasury?


I think these are critical issues that you would need to address in your campaign, no?

Just trying to help with your cause and campaign to make it even stronger.


come on, larken rosenwhine. Criticize this AK posting, you fool. No reasonable man can argue what Kokesh has put together in less than 6 months. Will your gaping pieHole be complaining when his LIBERTARIAN PARTY CAMPAIGN FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA gets 200k "Freedom!" books all over New Orleans, in every residential mailbox sometime around July 4th? sheeeeeeet. ....paid for by advertising, rather than typical begging for donations and "money bombs", no less!

Reconsider your position, LR you stubborn, prideFilled monkey. I'll bet Adam is forgiving enough to do a "bygones" and bring you into the effort.