Adam takes a question from his fan mail.
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I think we need smaller government/Minarchism. I don't think anarchy can every really happen in the real world. There are reasons we have governments. Unfortunately people like their "free" stuff. :(
The fact that they still use a 19th century system in this new millennium says it all.
Electoral over Popular vote!!
The worst thing you can ever do to any human is to hold their freedom, freedom has been preached long ago by many people, but we see that the Government do not care about whose freedom it is as far as they are getting reward or bribe from it.
We Must come together, strongly united to seek FREEDOM, and FREEDOM we must achieve.
My friend @adamkokesh keep it up, you are my HERO on freedom.
Hey @adam i really have some important ideas to share with you about the book. How can i reach you?
amazing star on trending please upvote me mr @chabir
Good question and very meaningful 👏
yeah hope it can be what you are
Anytime a politician runs a platform of more laws RUN! Run as far away from that politician as you can. Every new law that is passed is another freedom being taken away from you. Think about that next time you consider any politician for elected office. Fewer laws and regulations mean MORE freedom.
I would like a divorce from all government based on irreconcilable differences and Adam has my vote as divorce attorney. :)
I'm not in favor of having any government at all as we understand the word. If some people want to group up and do that, so be it, I won't try to tell them what to do as long as they don't try to tell me what to do.
The electoral vote does not do justice to the people choice. I think it takes power from the people. Well, I hope they can do something about it.
I do not know to comment on what here, just do my best and I always support you. "FREEDOM"
Wow this is so educative thank you so much
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Electoral and let the whole thing burn. And let others catch on to it as well. I wouldn't raise the issue but if pushing for popular vote becomes a thing sure I wouldn't be against it.
Changed my view, electoral college is good to have.