
The point here is no matter the size of mags the end result is the same.. people get hurt or die. No amount of bullets make a different to a loved one that had someone lost to gunfire... do you think they care how many bullets one has? I dont think so.Which again i go to my main point... It's not about the tools but the user behind them. So first is gun control... now it's don't sell high cap mags. Make up your mind... one or the other.. Hell at this point making gun laws stricter makes sense on my opinion... but even then I dont agree with that. It's like car mods... why buy a big fast motor capable of 200hp if you cant use it to it's full potential.. You got two types of people... those who take it to the track and those who do it illegally. Yes it's diff scenario but same concept... People do dumb shit... people race in the streets.. get busted... people kill people in the streets.. they get busted. people die in bot situations but no matter how much or how little death..a death is a death... doesnt mean aftermarket parts will get banned.... so why should extended mags? It goes to how the user uses them.
I think it's a silly idea... but like i said.. the amount of bullets dont matter.. the persons dead by them do..