
the last couple days after that doctor came out talking about it everyone is now saying she has parkensons deiese. if the shit today was only because she was hot, why not take off the jacket or drinksome cold water? how many others passed out from heat stroke at the 9/11 event? how is she going to debate on stage when she cant stop coughingand can seven stand on her own. its sad that out of all the reasons to not have her run it is all going t come down to her health. I can think of so many more reasons to get rid of her but all that stuff don't matter I guess when the other nomonie is considered hittler. did you see the shit she said yesterday or the day earlier how half the people tt don't support her are terrorists, natzis, boggots and islamphobes? lol she even had to apologize after on twitter -smh-
sorry bout the gramer n spelling but I don't really care tonight enuff to fix it.