the strange thing about a norwiegan election

in #politics7 years ago

this graph that is showing that the young are watching less televsion the old watch more. and it's a trend that keeps popping up. as a reaction to this at least in norway you have all these projects to try get the young. they are slashing things that may not be populare with the young but at least it had a steady listening group. this happened to the radio but then is what happened with the election covering. Norway television saw how much excitement there was with election in america and wanted this for their own without really understand what was it about the american election that made so many interested in it. so they did alot of pandering to the young which turned into quite a mess. now here is a funny thing that also happened is that while the media at least initaly where united in their desire to get a new goverment in place. That quickly splintered over which party to support and again not having understood what happened to the american election ended up making fools of themselves. a famous clip is this interview with VG i think where the leader of labour in norway got a question he answered, then get's information that he is contradicting what he said earlier. and then says he want the question asked again because the question was unclear. not being aware it's all being recorded the entire thing sendt as one video. It's clear alot of polticans are used to the television way of doing things. when in the internet age everything is live. interviews are done usaly live. and that creates a entire different dynamic to things. And again it seems the right has better tech savy people then the left.If you not norwiegan i understand but i think this trend in the media will likely be the reason alot of the old guard may be in further decline.


Thank you for the interesting perspective on Norway elections. There are certainly lessons to learn from the blunders in US elections! I wrote a post jokingly yesterday, that I think we will have sex robots campaigning for our president in ten years- but perhaps I shouldn't give them any ideas! Following, and looking forward to more content from you!

Donald trump is the social media president. i doubt we get sex robots campaigning but what we may see is a meemtics war once that is fully understood. possible a election where AI's are key component. like social media was the key component in this election in america