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RE: Brzezinski's Ruse: American Empire is Dead, China and Russia Take Over

in #politics9 years ago

"All he is doing – all they are doing (the ones who work with him) - is moving on to the next level of tyrannical, murderous empire. The next level will be a global empire. A one world government empire."

This is, in my opinion, an unduly paranoid interpretation of things, based mostly on (frightened) speculation. It is a common conspiriological interpretation, the sort of thing you get from e.g. Corbett (Corbett report). And btw I do not use the word "conspiracy" pejoratively, necessarily. Conspiracies are a fact of life in this world. But that does not mean of course that all conspiracy theories are correct. Most of them are wrong; a few are correct.

Brzezinski is simply acknowledging -- wisely, imo -- that the era of U.S. dominance is drawing to a close, and the era of a multipolar world is dawning. That much is unarguable, really. And as such, a "tyrannical, murderous global empire" is unlikely, or even impossible. There are too many centers of power and interests.

Also, it appears that China is a genuinely good actor. They are NOT a "tyrannical, murderous empire". They are a tad heavy-handed at times (true, though exaggerated in the Western press), but they are doing wonderful work for their people and for people across the Eurasian continent. They seem to be authentically devoted to continental and global development, for the benefit of everyone. The rise of China bodes well for the future. At least that is how it looks at this moment. My assessment could change, but it probably will not; there's too much evidence favoring this point of view. They look like truly good guys, for the most part. Certainly way better than the U.S. ever was.