There's a reason why Charlottesville was a violent shit show the politicians in the area were on the side of the Antifa terrorists, Antifa is de facto state agents who are willing to put people in the hospital or ground to secure the politician's interests while police look the other way.
The police were even not arresting people that were at the protest, they were spraying people with mace and pushing them into Antifa, then a few days later the mayor of the city allowed Antifa to fly their communist flag proving they are nothing more than state agents working in union with the corrupt goverment.
Antifa is anarcho-communist they do not care about strength in unity, military might, patriotism while pandering to it to say how fascism and Nazis are bad, they hate the state while they live on and demand their lives are subsidized via welfare.
This isn't a new state of affairs, historically this has happened time and time again. Great men have stood up to decadence like the black shirts of Mussolini's fascism, who dealt with Antifa in the same way.
Because, real fascists arose in response to these people in response to democratical socialism, liberalism, and leftism they were a direct response to it much like we see right not in current affairs. They are a response to decadence and decay and you see this through out history
this isn't a new event. We would be foolish to believe this is the first time democratic socialism and liberalism have threatened a civilization, and when it happened in Italy Mosoulini started fascism to round up his black shirts to take over the government.
which is why the government and politicians would use Antifa as an extension of their hands past legal and moral gates. fascists and true Patriots their words have power to remove them from their seats of power and they are afraid. And, they are using antifascists as nothing but unhired thugs to keep the zeitgheits on their side and not be changed to their phsyical removal.
Fascism is a response to the very same people Antifa are they rise up like much like the antibodies of a living form to see a disease and destroy it viciously. Before fascists, there were people like Antifa but they didn't use the name. even before they were communists because communism wasn't the fad of the decadent in the early 1930s.
They were just violent disenfranchised youths of the time who hated capitalism but didn't want to take the time to read a book and be educated on the topic they just wanted violence."he's being authoritarian man we have to keep our decadence and degeneracy what a fascist we like just want capitalism to go away. ." sounds a lot like current day Antifa.
The black shirts put a stop to that, just like the movements of escalating violence the police or the "alt right nazis" will put a stop to it themselves in the current day.
By its very definition fascism can not be leftist, The general response is "the black shirts were authoriatian and violent and engaged in political violence like their counterpart." What's funny about this is Mussolini gave the government a warning and a public message that they would be marching in and violently overthrow the state and that they were coming.
Then to much fanfare, the black shirts showed up to the gates of parliament and parliament surrendered. They said they were going to be violent and then they weren't because the state surrendered they didn't even do anything.
Then where does the horror stories of fascism from the left come from? some of it comes from lefitis propaganda but some from the fascists themselves. fascism has the myth the myth isn't what you are or what you aspire to be its what other people think of you that gives you power over them. The myth of the black shirts was that they stormed parliament they took the government over by force and that the parliament surrendered only after a glorious battle. so that's part of the myth that they gain power.
However, this isn't to say fascists are not violent at all. just like the "alt-right" or "neo-nazis" aren't non-violent. They were violent, just like we have violence today the sides of the violence have not changed patriots, natioanlists and fascists are acting in self-defense against violent bored drug addicts and losers.
The original pre-SS group would patrol the streets and any antifascists or communists engaging in political violence or shoving their rhetoric down peoples throats. They would go to their location and beat the shit out of them and if they had to escalate to lethal force if neccesary.
Fascism would do the same, defend themselves against political violence used against them this is the origin of both the brown shirts and black shirts they started as guards of their movement from political violence. This is how this will escalate and continue in modern times.
To cap it off anyone against communism, marxism, or any form of decadence will be treated like a fascist or a nazi, anyone against these people will be physically assaulted and have political violence against them. So it's true like the leftists say it's not morally equal, some people are fanatics willing to defend civilization while others are violent children looking for a fight or to defend decadence and destruction of civilization at best.
I think you are half right. However, it will not be the fascists or even the Alt-Right that will destroy the anti-fascists (Anti-Fa). As happened before, the normal people, those who abhor violence, the majority, will see the violent extremists on both sides for the self-absorbed narcissists they are and crush them. However, since it is the deep state and the elite who control the MSM and are not so secretly supporting Anti-fa by painting anyone who disagrees with them as "fascists", that resistance from the overwhelming majority could turn out to be a revolution.