Protection of our second amendment

in #politics7 years ago


I strongly support our second amendment. The amendment was implemented to protect the people from all enemy’s foreign and demestic.

As you can see from the quote of George Washington it is not only about hunting.

I am open for an honest debate if any one else is. Only a few rules please don’t just repeate talking points of the media. Be able to back up your argument with facts.

I will start here. Assault weapons are already banned. There are already universal background checks. What are your thoughts to make everyone safer?

Please don’t get offended or just say all guns needed to be banned.

I look forward to your comments, and to a good debate.


All gun regulations are UNconstitutional. Free men don't need permission to buy guns nor put them in their pockets. If there is no victim there is no crime. The 2nd Amendment applies to ALL weapons. Anything you want to use to defend yourself with. With that being said NO weapon is an illegal weapon and there is NO such thing as illegal carry. If you comply with that bullshit YOU are the problem not the governments. If you want to own a fully automatic weapon, a flame thrower, or even brass knuckles, you should be able to purchase them through a private sale from another free man face to face with NO lawless tyrannical corporate fascist government oversight. Seriously!!! You mean to tell me you are going to comply with all these unconstitutional gun laws from a government that gives terrorists and drug cartels fully automatic weapons!? And then people still wonder why I have lost faith in humanity.

You really can't make it any safer.. adding more laws, regulations or bans only restricts the already law-abiding gun owners.
No extra laws, regulations or bans will stop the criminals from doing what they are going to do anyway.
The rights of law-abiding gun owners should never be infringed upon because of what a criminal does...

Due to some upsetting family medical issues this week, I am in a decidedly no bullshit mood, so I'll say it straight out. I am not open for a debate - honest or otherwise. Anyone who wishes to infringe upon my ability to, by any means, protect me and mine from aggression from any source is my enemy. I will not debate my enemy.

If a government is so afraid of it's citizens that it won't allow them to be armed...there's something wrong with that government. An armed citizenry makes the government think twice before it does something stupid.

I agree with your comments 100%. I worded it the way I did to see what way people on this platform lean. Shall not be infringed says it all.

Looks like your second amendment has already been infringed. If the Government aren't held to account over this, then the actual amendment will loose credibility and be associated with a historical law, rendering it Obselete.

I have so many opinions on this topic and all of them have to do with the citizen being armed to teeth. I would like to point out one of the less talked about issues with gun ownership in the US... The amount of guns distributed amongst the population is an absolute deterrent for any other group of people trying to invade the continental land mass. It was what held Japan at bay from planning a land invasion of the US during WW2. The Emperor wanted a manned land invasion but his generals countered this idea by saying" There is a gun behind every blade of grass. Most people fail to recognize this faucet also.