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RE: An 'Economic Model' For World Peace - Heartism! Plus Understanding Capitalism Vs Communism & Voluntarism.

in #politics7 years ago

WOW! such a long and well-conceived article, the passion is billowing out of every word!

Heartism is our new logic instead of ego-based far-fetched analysis.

And yes, All is One! Whenever we blame or don't forgive others, there is a part within ourselves that isn't healed yet. So putting out negative Intention and energy always and inevitably means "doing harm" on ourselves.
And as I always say, the Heart and our Intuition sees what lies without the eye, while our ego only sees what lies within the eye. The former might bring short-term discomfort at worst yet guaranteed long-term comfort, the latter brings short-term comfort at best yet long-term discomfort.

Especially with the demarcation between 3D and 5D currently taking place on Earth, heartful intuitive action immensely triggers Souls still latching onto their ego as the surrendering nature of the deep-reaching Heart opposes the clingy aspect of the superficial ego.
But remember: we are all One. The more the ego is being triggered the more desperately it fights for its survival. Yet in reality the ego’s protective shield is growing weaker every second and the door into the all-forgiving Heart is opening up incessantly.

Great piece of work! Both thumbs up! :)


Thanks! Destruction of ego is not needed or healthy. Ego is simply the part of you that knows who you are. It is imbalance in the ego that is the problem and not ego itself. When we give the ego too much responsibility it struggles, wobbles and may then attack. When we are in the heart we feel our interconnectedness and origins and thus have no need to rely on persona for our power source. Ego though is still needed, it can heal and evolve along with the rest of us! :)

I agree as it depends. True, connection is priceless, fundamental.