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RE: Is Egalitarianism Unconstitutional?

in #politics7 years ago

What you say fits nicely in our civilisation's theory and models but actually Nature is negentropic, it shares perfectly. So if our civilisation reboot, we will do it from the perspective of equal opportunity. (see Dan Winter research on negentropy).


That’s an excellent discussion point to raise. It’s quite interesting to note that the Gaussian (aka normal) distribution is the only distribution which maximizes entropy. Negentropy is the distance of a distribution from the Gaussian distribution.

To say that living things are more ordered than maximally uncertain, is not a refutation that nature seeks maximum entropy overall. For example the extinction of species forgets ordered information and imports entropy anew into any perspective on nature. I think you’re conflating nature as universal entity and a given state of the universe snapshot from any given perspective (which of course is relativistic and thus not a totally ordered perspective of nature).

So if our civilisation reboot, we will do it from the perspective of equal opportunity.

I don’t see how that follows and I don’t have time to dig. Cite something please.

Your making great points especially if you consider the relativistic universe.

Being only a bright generalist, I sadly cannot answer properly to this discussion. Nevertheless, from all the "alternative" / "forbidden" knowledge acquired across many different fields in the last four years, I have a very strong gut feeling that "nature DOES NOT seek maximum entropy overall".

Now, If you do not have time, forget it, information is so disparate :/ . But I can share some good links in PM somewhere to avoid most of disinformation.

For some unknown reason I just spewed (archived) a blown fuse on some random person’s Medium blog (she’s like the mayor of Seattle or something similarly unimportant):

And apparently being a defender of legalized marijuana which fucks up our youth! Yet I realize the entire West coast is politically into that, so I guess I shouldn’t single you out. Hey that’s okay there’s needs to be some places for all the stoners to go and wreck the local economy and public health (and with all the natural and coming man-made disasters in California, I don’t even have to be jealous that includes one of the most amenable climates in the USA where I attended high school). No, it will never be acceptable to conservatives. The USA will split apart in a civil war because there’s no way that the Bible belt is going to go along with this.

Over here in the Philippines, I’ve observed first-hand Duterte clean up the huge mess that drugs was creating over here. Yet the ideological suicide of the West is that ideology trumps pragmatism and economics. That’s what happens when for example when Rome became decadent and we’re on the way there in the West by 2032. Mark my word. It’s wonderful to see private individuals helping others. But the socialism (doing via top-down control of government) is bankruptcy, because we’re always spending “someone else’s money” in a futile attempt to destroy the Gaussian and power-law distributions of nature. Simply impossible to sustain. Nature always wins. Because egalitarianism is inconsistent with itself. Oh but when you charge the costs to the collective debt (aka socialism), then junk science (lies!) and more unscientific data massaging lies in support of egalitarianism, is mighty profitable (until as a result the society collapses into the economic and warlordism abyss).

Jordan Peterson destroys SJW Cathy Newman (links to discussion)

Tangentially, on the issue of damned facts which are ideologically uncomfortable for SJWs, note clinical psychologist Peterson isn’t entirely correct to characterize females as always more agreeable than males, although they can be agreeable/subservient when obeying whom they perceive to be an alpha male. Rather females are perhaps less openly confrontation, yet far more irresponsible and disruptively conniving when they need to be in order to meet their evolutionary requirement to be bear offspring with the most alpha male plausible at any costs. Whereas, men are more openly confrontational but can be quite agreeable to building civilization and technology when their beta male role is acceptable to their evolutionary requirement to bear offspring with any woman (and as many as realistically plausible). This is why for example men must accept their subjugation by the elite (alpha male leaders) master plan for Bitcoin (to the extent that decentralization doesn’t apply to organization of civilization). Females can’t be focused on leadership and big picture civilization strategy because it’s counter to their necessary evolutionary role to be subservient to an alpha male (unless forced by civilization to be subservient to a beta male) because they can only carry a few eggs to gestation in their short reproductive lifespan. Even clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson attests to this fact. In terms of evolutionary resilience, eggs are rare and sperm is abundant (only one surviving male could impregnate surviving females but not vice versa).

There’s no progression in “progressive leader”. Asians understand that civilization, religion, morals, etc. are a cycle. Something loony about those of European descent that think human nature and politics are on a continual path of progression & improvement. Nope. Technology is continually progressing. Civilization and human nature are cyclical. But of course I’m a loon in your eyes. So be it. Remember my prophetic words come 2032.

Speaking of Irish Catholic lineage, slave girls used to be money in Ireland. And remember civilization has and will always be cyclical. Lol. And some of the history Catholic church is ignominious (although Christianity did preserve the libraries during the Dark ages). See what politics really is? The illusion of democracy via the debt-spigot is an alternative to war over our differences. But eventually the debt-spigot turns off. Then war…
