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RE: "Apolitical"

in #politics6 years ago

I really, really don't understand all that narrative about privilege.
We all (from the same country and time) go to school, have access to various sports clubs and we all have 8+4 years to stand on a line for the future life.

What is the difference if you are a kid and you are taken to school in Merc vs Public bus? No difference. What's the diff. if you have 100 toys vs 3? No diff.

Keep in mind that I'm writing you this from a country with GDP per capita of about 5.500 $. It's less than the top 17 African countries and a bit less than Nigeria.

Yet, that small poor country produces hundreds of sportsman, including No1 tennis player, great basketball, volleyball, water polo... players, hundreds of young researchers...

What do you think is the reason: we are working hard to do something with our lives, or we are privileged?

There are two types of groups, those built on strength and those built on weakness.

It's not a strength/weakness per se, it's a competence.
Competent people gain their strength from their competence.
I mean, look around, or ask anyone from Eastern Europe, for example, how is it possible that millions of them breached the gap and become equal to Westerners in only 10 years and often in less than 3 weeks?

The answer is simple, they were competent in: craftsmanship, sport, science, engineering, trade, IT...

You take your skills and your passport and - you go to Germany, Austria, Swiss. If you are a hard-working, competent and responsible, your very first salary will be higher than the salary of a lazy, incompetent German.

Simple as that


Good to see you still flagging people just because they expressed a different opinion in a civilized matter! How dare they?!?!

It's less visible in Europe, but from where she is, it is more common.
What you say is true but there is another part of the problem I got to see with my own eyes while working with the extremely poor.

They usually start from so low a level that it is almost impossible for them to even make it to the levels common for us.
And couple that with the fact that willpower and strength is not the same in everyone, you get people who are more likely to not make it, than people who do.
And nobody can be objective about their starting point, their luck or the real hard work they did in order to escape it.
This is why I found Steem to give me oversight on what the people do and how the people are, so I get to see if they are "helpable" or not and what I could do in order to really help them.

This is a better view of the problem: