England is a common law country, this is not a theory it is a FACT, it is the main part of our culture, it is not there for politicians activists whatever groups, religious or otherwise, to subvert break or destroy, this would be a complete breach of our common law, this is not a game it is very serious and i would suggest people learn and educate themselves to understand it, there English culture, and what it really means!
There seems to me an utter total lack of its understanding and a indoctrinated ignorance about it all! it is not rocket science it is really simple! common law is the bedrock and the under pinning of our whole legal system, as you cannot have one without the other? unless you allow legal subversion of the lawful common law to take place?
I am not going to spell it out for you or any one, you will have to go and research it yourself! if you do not know your own culture and the rule of its law? and indeed you choose to not know? then your whole opinion is absolutely worthless! i am sick and tired of the utter rubbish put around on social media saying! my Strasbourg human rights this! my EU human rights that! quoting from unlawful rules formed in a foreign land that has no lawful jurisdiction over another sovereign country's law what so ever! that said if another country wants to adopt another's law? then that is solely up to them and there people and rightly so.
Unless through conquest! or the majority of a countries people decide other wise? (through there wishes ie, referendum) sovereignty and its bedrock common law, cannot be subverted, changed, or taken, from its people, and this "will of the people" must be obtained lawfully.
It is clear now to anyone that has bothered to do the research? that this will of the people, was only obtained unlawfully (in England and the UK) through,coercion, lies, and deceit! by the then UK heath government leading to the EEC 1975 referendum, so England and the UK was and could never be a part of an EU dictatorship, thankfully that wrong doing was put right last year with the Brexit referendum and its was done through exercising our common law rights, and re-affirming our sovereignty.
Consideration before voting, Responsibility
So in a few days time you may wish to consider the above few words? if and when you mark an x in a box at your local voting station, backed up after you have done a little research? consider what our common law and English culture is? and let what it all really means be your decision! not what politicians say alone! or what just there non liability manifesto's may promise you? because if you do not? let it be totally on your own conscience! not there's, as they only have to legally represent themselves and not you.
Anyone from any country can take back their power, under common law for free at http://www.commonlawcourt.com/