I just read Paul Craig Roberts recent post along the same lines about how close we are to a nuclear holocaust: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/02/02/nuclear-posture-review/
After reading Caitlin Johnstone's piece of a similar nature: https://steemit.com/politics/@caitlinjohnstone/the-increasing-likelihood-of-nuclear-war-should-straighten-out-all-our-priorities
I'm an avid reader of both history and current affairs and this situation has much cause for alarm. I have good reason to believe there is cause for this.
I don't think many consider that we are watching the end of an empire, however it seems clear to me that the US, the once grand empire is economically and militarily a sinking ship beyond saving, not unlike the Titanic if I stick with that analogy. The concern is what those running the US, behind the scenes will do while the Titanic is sinking?
See that's the problem, when a psychopath has nothing to lose, they would rather everyone loses than be themselves defeated. And there are many psychopaths in charge behind the scenes, behind what is now well established as "the deep state".
The scary thing also is just how many of us are so ambivalent to all this, unlike during the Cold War when people were legitimately aware of the threat of nuclear annihilation. I remember in the 80s watching "The Day After", pretty much everyone I knew had seen it and talked about it.
Foe me, it's quite amazing the extent of propoganda that has taken us from there to now what we've been inculcated with and possessed by, so much so that the next "scandalous" thing Donald Trump tweets about is far more pressing than the impending total destruction of the planet.
We are two minutes from midnight now.
So it's on par with the worst it has ever been. That's not good!
Personally it's not that I think nuclear war will never happen, it's just that I don't feel like I have much control over the situation. So I choose to focus more on other things. Maybe that's not the best solution, but I'm not really sure what is.
That's a good point, it's a big factor too. Seems we got close many times, like really close to a nuclear war during the Cold War. It seems at least then the so called leaders at least wanted to de-escalate nuclear arms, maybe the fact that there was anti war movements, many we talked about it more, I don't know. But seems that's not as of a concern in the public domain as much. I don't know the solution either other than bringing light to what seems to be happening in ways that we have control of.