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RE: Special military operation in Ukraine

in #politics3 years ago

It's your post right?
It's your opinion right?
Who should I comment then?

You are promoting 'I love you I kill you' pharse and don't tell me mighty Russia is afraid of losing its own territory, cause no one is interested into, no one touches them, right? Who is attacking them? Ukraine has it own independence, so what is the mission, please stop promoting war and violence.

If Ukraine did the same what Russia did, I wouldn't support that same as I'm not supporting this situation, ruining someone's life's who has nothing to do with.

If Ukrainians are fine with their government who is he to say otherwise, they are ex formers, so look at your own yard and leave the rest of the world to do their own thing.

Don't use violence in order to promote peace,it's hypocritical.

P. S

It's very important to be close to something in order to understand it, and you just accepted easily lack of freedom of speech like it's a normal thing.

Thank you for your time, but I won't waist mine on you anymore.


Ukraine did the same. That's the point! The Ukrainian authorities, nationalist hands have been shelling the civilians of Donbass for 8 years!

I already feel like you are consumed by emotions. Relax and take it easy. So it will be better for you to understand what is really happening in Ukraine! Good luck!